Accumulated Release Notes

Prism for C/AL comes in two editions: Standard Edition (SE), which you can try or subscribe to, and a feature-limited Community Edition (CE), which can be downloaded from Mibuso.

Prism for C/AL 3.2.0

Released OCT 8, 2024

Id Type Description CE SE
1914 Feature Find Field Usages: When field is passed as VAR parameter, this should count as an assignmentno yes
1209 Feature Object text encoding settingyes yes
2491 Bugfix Outline does not update when clearing search field (NullReferenceException)yes yes
Prism for C/AL 3.1.0

Released APR 19, 2024

Id Type Description CE SE
2405 Feature Improved performance of opening windowsyes yes
2088 Feature Improved display of recent items (usability)yes yes
2042 Feature Remove watermark from control panel (usability)yes yes
2002 Feature Search boxes - include partial word matches ('com inf' finds 'Company Information')yes yes
2182 Feature Do not fade out navigation cursor after a while (usability)yes yes
2390 Feature Improved error message when license key is not for Prism for C/ALno yes
2357 Feature Improved error message when new license key cannot be written to diskno yes
2339 Feature Upgrade to .NET 8 (LTS)yes yes
2322 Feature NavAdapter .NET 8yes yes
2023 Bugfix Prism crashes when changing Object comparison setting to RowVersionyes yes
2158 Bugfix Display of multidimensional array types lack commasyes yes
2108 Bugfix Enum type should be Option typeyes yes
2109 Bugfix Fix spelling error: Proceure => Procedureyes yes
2044 Bugfix Import Database Mirrors window lacks a scrollbaryes yes
2024 Bugfix Parse error when AccessByPermission setting is empty, e.g. "AccessByPermission=TableData 50042=;"yes yes
2441 Bugfix Mirror troubleshoot link is not workingyes yes
2432 Bugfix Documentation help links should not be added to navigation historyyes yes
Prism for C/AL 3.0.0

Released JAN 12, 2023

Id Type Description CE SE
1711 Feature Application redesign and brand updateyes yes
1971 Feature Semantic code colouringyes yes
1970 Feature Declaration group shortcutsyes yes
2014 Feature Add key and mouse navigation shortcuts in object store/workspace window (Alt+Left, Alt+Right, Alt+., XButton1 (browser back), XButton2 (browser forward))yes yes
1748 Feature Open system function documentation links in external browseryes yes
1997 Feature Use Wayback Machine for legacy system function documentation pagesyes yes
1982 Feature Log level control (control panel and workspace menus)yes yes
1981 Feature Settings button in workspace windowyes yes
1980 Feature Segoe Fluent Icons font check on first application startupyes yes
1972 Feature Upgrade to .NET 7yes yes
2012 Bugfix Object fails to display when TableRelation has parse errorsyes yes
1494 Bugfix Prism for C/AL CE wrongly allowed license to be enteredyes no
Prism for C/AL 2.10.0

Released OCT 22, 2020

Id Type Description CE SE
964 Feature License grace days: Expire 16 days after subscription renewal dateno yes
1045 Feature Copy code to include object type and idyes yes
1126 Feature Mirror: graceful handling of corrupt mirror status fileyes yes
1124 Feature Clipboard stability improvementyes yes
963 Feature Object Analyzer error handlingno yes
1077 Bugfix Report properties are overwritten by properties of last Label elementyes yes
944 Bugfix Mirror file corruptyes yes
Prism for C/AL 2.9.0

Released OCT 7, 2019

Id Type Description CE SE
917 Feature NAVToolBox Object Analyzer integration: Compare object with standard versionno yes
942 Feature On license expiration, offer automatic installation of 14 days license extension to avoid gaps between licenses when renewingno yes
939 Bugfix Prism's built-in feedback and user info forms fail to postyes yes
Prism for C/AL 2.8.0

Released JUL 4, 2019

Id Type Description CE SE
930 Feature Show field type in tooltips in both explorer and codeyes yes
929 Feature New virtual tables and fields added to auto-generationyes yes
916 Feature Improvements of NAVToolBox Object Analyzer integrationyes yes
924 Feature Installer to always update files when upgradingyes yes
925 Bugfix Parsing fails when QueryCategory property contains spacesyes yes
927 Bugfix Name resolution: when page and source table have identically named functions, then a function call in the page should resolve to the table function if it is global, and the page function, if the table function is localno yes
928 Bugfix Parsing fails when object name contains semicolonyes yes
Prism for C/AL 2.7.2

Released APR 3, 2019

Id Type Description CE SE
923 Bugfix Cannot load store due to installation package .NET compatibility issueyes yes
922 Bugfix Loading object store fails when .NET version is lower than 4.7.2yes yes
Prism for C/AL 2.7.0

Released APR 1, 2019

Id Type Description CE SE
813 Feature Report: Save Unreferenced Objectsyes yes
915 Feature Report: Save Object Dependenciesyes yes
859 Feature Tooltip on variables should show if variable is global or localyes yes
920 Feature Business Central Spring 2019 support: New property AdditionalSearchTermsMLyes yes
918 Feature UI minor performance optimization in displaying code in Prism viewyes yes
911 Feature Scroll code in Prism View left when navigatingyes yes
912 Feature URL for Object Analyzer integration configurable in Prism update fileyes yes
919 Feature Improved startup error handlingyes yes
909 Bugfix Object Analyzer displays nothing on a Business Central code-baseyes yes
913 Bugfix Usages window groups sometimes forget if they are collapsed or expanded infoyes yes
910 Bugfix Object Index groups sometimes forget if they are collapsed or expandedyes yes
908 Bugfix "Open Mirror" window sometimes ignores open command when window has been resizedyes yes
Prism for C/AL 2.6.0

Released NOV 22, 2018

Id Type Description CE SE
890 Feature Copy selected code lines to new window (formatted). Learn moreyes yes
897 Feature Copy whole code block to new window (formatted). Learn moreyes yes
867 Feature Copy selected code lines to clipboard/file. Learn moreyes yes
570 Feature Configurable file filter for directory/folder stores. Learn moreyes yes
875 Feature Directory/folder store: Ignore filter on directory and file names. Learn moreyes yes
887 Feature Find Field Usage filter options: treat CLEAR(field) like CLEAR(record)no yes
889 Feature Double-click to expand/collapse index and exlorer panels. Learn moreyes yes
895 Feature Minor GUI tweaksyes yes
901 Feature Configurable SQL connection timeout for mirror test and syncyes yes
886 Bugfix Find Usages does not find subscribers to local publisherno yes
865 Bugfix Explorer displays Database Trigger Event multiple times when there are multiple subscribersyes yes
898 Bugfix Prism failed to start due to .NET error OEMCodePage returning 1 infoyes yes
Prism for C/AL 2.5.0

Released SEP 20, 2018

Id Type Description CE SE
868 Feature Allow user to save default filters in result window of "Find Usages" of fieldsno yes
873 Feature New virtual tables and fields added to auto-generation, e.g. DataClassification on virtual Field tableyes yes
869 Feature Changed name of newest mirror to 'NAV 2015 and later' to indicate that NAV 2018 is also supportedyes yes
874 Feature Mirror setup: When database server or name changes, blank service tier fields, so user can reselectyes yes
882 Feature Find Usages of named return parameter enabled in user interfaceyes yes
884 Feature Support for new variable types DataClassification and Verbosityyes yes
885 Feature Support for new Business Central type NotificationScope (and general parser change to accept any new simple types)yes yes
863 Bugfix Display and some analysis of objects with multi-dimensional arrays of complex types fails when syntax mda[x][y] is usedyes yes
883 Bugfix Mirror sync error due to corrupted mirror status fileyes yes
862 Bugfix Up-to-date check says up-to-date even when version is out-datedyes yes
824 Bugfix Log included in feedback is not the tail of the logyes yes
876 Bugfix Names in Editable property of report request pages are not analyzedno yes
877 Bugfix Logging: nothing gets loggedyes yes
Prism for C/AL 2.4.0

Released DEC 24, 2017

Id Type Description CE SE
854 Feature NAV 2018: ObsoleteState and ObsoleteReason propertiesyes yes
855 Feature NAV 2018: ODataKeyFields propertyyes yes
856 Feature NAV 2018: SessionSetting typeyes yes
836 Feature Setting to disable hardware accelleration in case of WPF issuesyes yes
809 Feature Annotate keys in the explorer panel where SQL or SIFT index is not maintainedyes yes
861 Feature Enabled functionality: Find duplicate declaration id issues (caused by manual or automated code merge)yes yes
851 Bugfix PAGE.RUN(0, <record>) and PAGE.RUNMODAL(0, <record>) are usages of the page referred to by LookupPageID propertyno yes
650 Bugfix Search result is not ordered by object numberyes yes
858 Bugfix Edition message in Prism view is not updated when new license is enteredno yes
811 Bugfix Prism icon in taskbar is black on black, if the taskbar is blackyes yes
Prism for C/AL 2.3.0

Released NOV 12, 2017

Id Type Description CE SE
785 Feature Integration to Object Analyzer: Show available object updatesno yes
714 Feature Initiate new Find Usages from Find Usage result windowno yes
819 Feature Find usages result window: More context information in grouping, e.g. <field name> - OnValidateno yes
806 Feature Find usages of Codeunit OnRun triggerno yes
837 Feature Find system function usages of tables: Options to filter away temporary recordsno yes
788 Feature Find field usages to include fields within field list properties like SumIndexFieldsno yes
835 Feature Find field usages to include key definitions (with option to not show)no yes
830 Feature Find object usages in Permission and AccessByPermission propertiesno yes
815 Feature Find field usages: EVALUATE, CLEAR, and MODIFYALL all count as assignmentsno yes
816 Feature Mirror re-initialization: Full export from NAV, useful when field names are changed (or many objects have changed)yes yes
839 Feature System Function Usages: CODEUNIT.RUN(<no>|CODEUNIT::<name>) counts as usage (just like MyCodeunit.RUN)no yes
814 Bugfix Open Mirror window lacks a vertical scrollbaryes yes
Prism for C/AL 2.2.0

Released APR 2, 2017

Id Type Description CE SE
212 Feature Find usages of table triggers (insert, modify, delete, rename)no yes
810 Feature Explore table relations (official release) infono yes
498 Feature Ability to filter field usages by field assignment, TRANSFERFIELDS etcno yes
803 Feature Import/export of mirror configurations, so users can exchange configurationsyes yes
789 Feature Linked NAV 2017 system functions to MSDN documentationyes yes
794 Feature Find usages of fields in "link properties" like SubPageLinkno yes
780 Feature Copy code from Prism view infoyes yes
799 Feature Find duplicate declaration id issues (caused by manual or automated code merge)yes yes
793 Bugfix Field usage in report data item not found when reference is unqualifiedno yes
797 Bugfix Parse error in some ExternalSQL tablesyes yes
783 Bugfix Parse error when field name contains semicolonyes yes
790 Bugfix Version check blocks Prism when disconnected from Internetyes yes
791 Bugfix Mirror Manager window does not scroll (problematic when running low resolution)yes yes
801 Bugfix Parse error when object declares variable of type ClientTypeyes yes
802 Bugfix Product version check is incorrect when license has expiredno yes
Prism for C/AL 2.1.1

Released OCT 10, 2016

Id Type Description CE SE
778 Bugfix Error window pops up when selecting "Find System Function Usages…"no yes
Prism for C/AL 2.1.0

Released OCT 8, 2016

Id Type Description CE SE
218 Feature Visualize and explore table relations (preview feature) infono yes
685 Feature Mirror: Setup to include service tier info to avoid finsql export issues due to service tier not selected in default zup file infoyes yes
686 Feature Mirror: Object comparison changed from database timestamp value to name, version list, date, time, and blob size infoyes yes
757 Feature Mirror: Default selection of adapter version from version meta-data of selected finsql.exeyes yes
776 Feature Preliminary support for NAV 2017yes yes
255 Feature History to remember source of go to declarationyes yes
629 Feature Control Panel: Modified date in Recent Items viewyes yes
654 Feature Mark flowfields in exploreryes yes
748 Feature Control panel tweaksyes yes
751 Feature Open file or directory location of recent object storeyes yes
752 Feature Navigate to physical store location in object store windowyes yes
750 Feature License about to expire warningyes yes
756 Bugfix Usages inside AutoFormatExpr, CaptionClass, IndentationColumnName and a few other properties not foundno yes
775 Bugfix Find Usages of disabled fields does not find all usagesno yes
764 Bugfix Objects shown twice in Explorer's "Used By"no yes
777 Bugfix When collapsing table group in Object Index, the UI sometimes reports an erroryes yes
Prism for C/AL 2.0.0

Released APR 30, 2016

Id Type Description CE SE
581 Feature Support for Dataportyes yes
718 Feature Show database event subscribers in Exploreryes yes
329 Feature Find key and field usages in 'view properties' such as DataItemTableView and SourceTableViewno yes
735 Feature Digitally sign all DLLs to avoid anti-virus false positivesyes yes
736 Feature Changed executable name to StaticalPrism.exe (instead of App.exe)yes yes
625 Feature Parsing of TextConstants with newlines, even though C/SIDE does not parse such TextConstants when importing as txtyes yes
737 Feature Help menu now available from object store windowsyes yes
483 Bugfix Parse error when specific keywords like Description in code is followed immediately by equality sign (Description=...)yes yes
733 Bugfix Parse error on XMLports in NAV 5yes yes
579 Bugfix Parse error when Documentation trigger contains block comment charactersyes yes
637 Bugfix Parse error when string property (e.g. field description or action name) contains newlineyes yes
743 Bugfix Parse error when table relation has ampersand (&) and quoted literalsyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.5.0

Released MAR 10, 2016

Id Type Description CE SE
580 Feature Support for XMLport objectsyes yes
717 Feature Highlight event publishers in Explorerzno yes
712 Feature Automatic regression test of find usages (for internal use @statical)no yes
726 Feature Group CRUD system functions in find system function usages windowno yes
724 Feature Mirror adapter names to better indicate NAV versions supportedyes yes
709 Feature Mirrors: Exclusion filter based on Version Listyes yes
316 Bugfix Some usages not found in reports and queriesno yes
641 Bugfix Find usages of tables does not find table if declared in arrayno yes
722 Bugfix Find System Function Usages does not find usage when table is declared via "SourceTable" propertyno yes
723 Bugfix Find usages window displays results in FlowFields under wrong fieldno yes
544 Bugfix Unqualified DELETE usage not found in reportno yes
690 Bugfix Prism display fails with "Link key already registered" in special situations (spaces in empty line)yes yes
720 Bugfix Parse error when expression includes a number which is bigger than 2147483647yes yes
728 Bugfix Parse error when variable was named "DefaultNamespace"yes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.4.0

Released NOV 15, 2015

Id Type Description CE SE
700 Feature NAV 2016: Find Usages of objects must include event subscriptionsno yes
701 Feature NAV 2016: Find Usages of functions must include event subscriptionsno yes
702 Feature NAV 2016: Search Procedures by Name must have filters for event publishers and subscribersyes yes
703 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new virtual tables (Codeunit/Page/Report/Table Metadata and Event Subscriptions)yes yes
706 Feature NAV 2016: Event subscriptions must link to object/functionyes yes
691 Feature NAV 2016: Support for parsing new annotations for static publishers and subscribersyes yes
692 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new FilterPageBuilder typeyes yes
693 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new propertiesyes yes
694 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new TextEncoding typeyes yes
695 Feature NAV 2016: Support for FOREACH and BREAK statementsyes yes
696 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new TableConnectionType typeyes yes
697 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new ReportFormat typeyes yes
698 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new TestRequestPage typeyes yes
699 Feature NAV 2016: Support for new system functions (links to MSDN documentation)yes yes
704 Bugfix Prism fails to display object due to UnresolvableReferenceyes yes
705 Bugfix Field usages in e.g. TESTFIELD("The Field") not found when field is in table referenced by Codeunit's TableNo propertyno yes
Prism for C/AL 1.3.0

Released SEP 6, 2015

Id Type Description CE SE
442 Feature Find usages of fields and objects in Flow Fieldsno yes
381 Feature Find object usages in code, e.g. DATABASE::Customer and REPORT.RUN(50000)no yes
299 Feature Show full Menusuite objectsyes yes
569 Feature Find usages in Menu Suitesno yes
508 Feature Find usages of primary key field must include table relations specified with no fieldno yes
680 Feature Automatically include definitions of virtual tables infoyes yes
639 Feature Parsing: Ignore phantom INDATASET (IncludeInDataSet = Yes) markers in txt fileyes yes
661 Feature Dependency details in explorer tooltipsno yes
607 Feature Store "Save As" functionality must give error when selected folder is not emptyyes yes
623 Feature For use by Statical: Automatic regression test of name resolutionyes yes
669 Bugfix Find usages does not find variables of type BigTextno yes
673 Bugfix Find usages does not find BLOB fields in statements field.CREATEOUTSTREAM and similarno yes
667 Bugfix Parse error when TableRelation has complex filter such as FILTER(Item|'Charge (Item)')yes yes
638 Bugfix Parse error when variables are of type TestPageyes yes
666 Bugfix Parse error when test objects use ASSERTERROR statementsyes yes
668 Bugfix Parse error when variable is of type ExecutionModeyes yes
497 Bugfix Parse error when a variable or procedure is named "Permissions"yes yes
648 Bugfix Mirror adapter failed to recognize unlicensed object when finsql.exe language is not ENUyes yes
663 Bugfix System tables names (e.g. Object) not shown in Explorer "Using" sectionno yes
657 Bugfix Some "name space functions" such as REPORT.WORDLAYOUT are not linked to MSDN documentationyes yes
670 Bugfix RUNMODAL not recognized as system function in "DATAPORT.RUNMODAL"yes yes
671 Bugfix EXISTS and ERASE not resolved as system functionsyes yes
672 Bugfix CREATETOTALS not resolved as report system functionyes yes
674 Bugfix BLOB system functions not linked to MSDN documentation in expressions like SomeTable.SomeBlobField.HASVALUEyes yes
675 Bugfix Control name and function not linked in expressions CurrPage.TheName.VISIBLE when TheName is inherited from SourceExpr propertyyes yes
676 Bugfix Some Page system functions not linked to MSDN documentationyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.2.0

Released MAY 8, 2015

Id Type Description CE SE
273 Feature Find usages of e.g. table fields "bound" in pages and forms via SourceExpr propertyno yes
495 Feature Code Line Search to include documentation trigger and comments in codeyes yes
602 Feature Show type of object dependency in right-hand Explorerno yes
537 Feature Mirror synchronization: Improved handling of unlicensed objectsyes yes
604 Feature Mirrors: NAV 2015 adapter which built-in skipping of unlicensed objects during initializationyes yes
578 Feature Mirror to detect finsql.exe weekness: "This database is registered with several NAV Server instances"yes yes
481 Feature Mirror synchronization: Show status/errors of latest synchronizationyes yes
597 Feature Parsing: Ignore nonsense RUNONCLIENT keyword for Automation typesyes yes
601 Feature Ctrl-F must give focus to search field immediatelyyes yes
596 Feature Compatibility with .NET 4.6 aka .NET 4.5.3 aka .NET 2015yes yes
613 Feature Tooltips should stay open longer (up to 30 seconds when there is a lot to read)yes yes
522 Feature Signing of MSI installeryes yes
610 Feature Mirror Manager: Improved input validationyes yes
611 Feature Mirror Manager: Added synchronization status/erroryes yes
612 Feature Open Mirror Dialog: Show status of last synchronization and allows opening with double-clickyes yes
563 Bugfix Wrong order of name resolution global variable versus Page SourceTableyes yes
620 Bugfix Parse error on some (special) table relation FILTERsyes yes
621 Bugfix Parse error on empty set of menuitemsyes yes
640 Bugfix Actions in page controls are not displayed in Prism Viewyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.1.0

Released DEC 4, 2014

Id Type Description CE SE
518 Feature Support for NAV 2015 featuresyes yes
546 Feature Control panel redesignyes yes
560 Feature Open C/AL Designer for an object (for mirrors, only)yes yes
524 Feature Ctrl-F to search in current objectyes yes
557 Feature Special shortcuts (Ctrl+1 up to Ctrl+9) to open recently opened storesyes yes
558 Feature Copy object source code to clipboard from object indexyes yes
559 Feature Open object source code in text editor from object indexyes yes
523 Feature Integration of licensingno yes
530 Feature When loading an object store, write information to the log fileyes yes
541 Feature Do not ask user before closing a storeyes yes
547 Feature Full/more store information in window titleyes yes
548 Feature Load progress bar: space for 5 digit object countyes yes
549 Feature Automatic upgrade from previous versionsyes yes
553 Feature Preferences for GUI behavior (escape to close windows, confirmation)yes yes
555 Feature Preference for setting mirror synchronization intervalyes yes
556 Feature Shortcuts for several common commandsyes yes
489 Feature Keep feedback window open in case sending failsyes yes
536 Bugfix Some table relation usages are not foundno yes
509 Bugfix Mirror that has just been created cannot be opened via control panel linkyes yes
511 Bugfix Mirror sync should stop when adapter test failsyes yes
514 Bugfix CardPageID properties not "linked" to page (go to declaration and find usages)no yes
538 Bugfix Feedback form fails when upload is too bigyes yes
545 Bugfix Recent items are not persisted when running Prism on a terminal server (unless you installed Prism yourself)yes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.14

Released OCT 6, 2014

Id Type Description CE SE
515 Feature Parallel loading of object stores for improved performanceyes yes
516 Feature Settings menu (under File) to allow tuning of loader parallelism infoyes yes
254 Feature Improved progress bar (non-looping when parallel loader is enabled)yes yes
440 Feature Re-select by double-clickingyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.13

Released AUG 10, 2014

Id Type Description CE SE
505 Bugfix Optimize away/fix slow pre-indexingyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.12

Released AUG 8, 2014

Id Type Description CE SE
272 Feature Visualization of table relationsyes yes
501 Feature Goto table and goto field from table relationsyes yes
502 Feature Explorer view (Using and Used By) now includes table relationsno yes
503 Feature Find Usages of tables now include referencing table relationsno yes
504 Feature Find usages of fields now includes fields of table relationsno yes
499 Feature Optimized performance and memory consumption while loading/indexingyes yes
494 Feature Include screenshot in feedback via clipboardyes yes
496 Bugfix Name resolution of "RecB" in WITH RecA DO RecB.SomeField := 42 fails when "RecB" is also the name of a variable in RecAyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.11

Released JUN 8, 2014

Id Type Description CE SE
487 Feature Show test annotations in Prism viewyes yes
488 Bugfix Usages of field "X" are not found in "WITH recB DO recA.X := 42" when "recA" is also a field of "recB"no yes
452 Bugfix Key parsing fails when one of the fields include certain special charactersyes yes
475 Bugfix Find Code Lines function is not stable (timing issue)yes yes
486 Bugfix Cancellation of load, find usages etc does not cancel background jobyes yes
476 Bugfix Parse error when expression property ends with space (txt file encloses expression in [])yes yes
461 Bugfix Parse error when object has Test annotationsyes yes
464 Bugfix Parse error when DotNet local variable is declared with SuppressDisposeyes yes
465 Bugfix Parse error when RecordRef declaration uses SECURITYFILTERINGyes yes
471 Bugfix Parse error when object header contains extra square backets (caused by trailing space in object name)yes yes
474 Bugfix Parse error when identifier contains (very) special charactersyes yes
439 Bugfix Parse error when Date property has format DD-MM-YYYYyes yes
473 Bugfix Parse error: "BY" is (wrongly) regarded as keywordyes yes
470 Bugfix In Control Panel, mirror name is not displayed (GUID is displayed instead)yes yes
477 Bugfix Control panel pops up while progress window is activeyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.10

Released APR 10, 2014

Id Type Description CE SE
460 Feature Allow multiple open storesyes yes
459 Feature Control panelyes yes
456 Feature Work-around for INDATASET parse errors caused by NAV (wrongly) exporting INDATASET for Code-typed variablesyes yes
453 Bugfix Cannot show object or analyse usages of object when argument to TRANSFERFIELDS is non-identifier expressionyes yes
458 Bugfix Parse error due to values of some properties containing spacesyes yes
321 Bugfix Start page unstable on terminal server (System.AccessViolationException)yes yes
462 Bugfix Report display issue under certain circumstances: Key already existsyes yes
463 Bugfix Parse error when DotNet type has WITHEVENTS and RUNONCLIENTyes yes
466 Bugfix Parse error due to multi-line DataItemTableFilteryes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.9

Released FEB 15, 2014

Id Type Description CE SE
408 Feature Optimized performance of loading an object for viewingyes yes
405 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large objectsyes yes
378 Feature Expand/collapse all groups toggle buttonyes yes
406 Feature Allow upgrade without uninstalling firstyes yes
409 Feature Ignore when NAV has exported empty variables namesyes yes
345 Feature When navigating via usages window, display Prism "on top"yes yes
412 Feature List view group countersyes yes
425 Feature Optimized scrolling performance of large usage and search resultsyes yes
423 Feature Show local procedures as gray in explorer panelyes yes
328 Feature Close secondary windows when main window closes and when loading a storeyes yes
351 Feature Non system modal dialog when loading storeyes yes
342 Feature Open list of supported objects with parse errors in current storeyes yes
371 Feature Search field numbers in Explorer and show in tooltipsyes yes
411 Feature Show field numbers in Exploreryes yes
413 Feature Sharper view of code (less blurring)yes yes
419 Feature Improved Mirror Test facilityyes yes
420 Feature Show granule in tooltips for object linksyes yes
404 Bugfix Prism crashed with StackOverflowException while scrolling heavily infoyes yes
403 Bugfix Mirror did not fully overwrite existing object text file infoyes yes
415 Bugfix RUN is not shown in the "Find Usages of System Function" context menu of codeunits in object indexno yes
398 Bugfix Parse error: Enabled property and square bracketsyes yes
410 Bugfix Mirror synchronization fails on Windows 8 when path to finsql.exe is double quotedyes yes
414 Bugfix Long parameter and variable names are truncated in Prism viewyes yes
416 Bugfix Object label not always updated in center panelyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.8

Released JAN 2, 2014

Id Type Description CE SE
366 Feature Mirror manager improved GUIyes yes
362 Feature Offer to re-open mirror when updates are available infoyes yes
361 Feature Improved error handling in mirror synchronizationyes yes
364 Feature Mirror sync status in main windowyes yes
367 Feature Integrate mirrors into open and recent menusyes yes
376 Feature Mirror DB password encryptionyes yes
353 Feature TRANSFERFIELDS treat as usage of fields in both tables when field number matchesno yes
391 Feature Visualize inter-table TRANSFERFIELDS Mappings infoyes yes
356 Feature Export usages and search results infoyes yes
365 Feature Version List in tooltipsyes yes
375 Feature Keep navigation "red square" visible for better usabilityyes yes
388 Feature Highlight rows when mouse is overyes yes
389 Feature Disallow user to run multiple instances of Prismyes yes
352 Bugfix MODIFYALL should resolve first argument is field of tableyes yes
358 Bugfix Text constants not always shown correctlyyes yes
377 Bugfix Object failed to display - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException - TextConstantyes yes
360 Bugfix History view is not sorted correctlyyes yes
359 Bugfix Cursor should not be busy when mirror is synchronizingyes yes
374 Bugfix Prevent rolling selection in list viewsyes yes
387 Bugfix Re-selection in should navigate, but not update historyyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.7

Released NOV 3, 2013

Id Type Description CE SE
343 Feature Experimental Feature! - Mirror object stores infoyes yes
349 Feature History navigation and backwards/forwards improvementsyes yes
147 Feature Show object name also when the object has parse errors or object type is unsupportedyes yes
323 Feature Improved display of parse errors and unsupported object typesyes yes
250 Bugfix Failures when goto decl or find usages of parse error or not in indexyes yes
340 Bugfix When clicking unsupported object type, Prism does not show text sourceyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.6

Released SEP 2, 2013

Id Type Description CE SE
217 Feature Text constant search infoyes yes
306 Feature Procedure and field name search infoyes yes
225 Feature Code search infoyes yes
322 Feature Command-line arguments to load store on startup infoyes yes
314 Feature Directory store without directory and object naming convention infoyes yes
330 Bugfix Find usages on VAR parameters does not workyes yes
335 Bugfix Sort order in object index not always correctyes yes
324 Bugfix Unhandled ArgumentException when loading unstructured directory with two files having different objects of same name infoyes yes
315 Bugfix On Preview expiration, Prism shuts down hard and give no indication about where to download an update infono yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.5

Released JUL 8, 2013

Id Type Description CE SE
260 Feature System function search, e.g. usages of MyRec.FINDSET for a given table. Activate this function by right-clicking object in object index no yes
178 Feature Name resolution of keys. Find usages of keys is enabled for Standard Edition, onlyyes yes
263 Feature Resolve "Rec" to table referenced by "SourceTable" property in forms and pagesyes yes
286 Feature Flat directory store. Prism now supports reading a single directory of object text files of any object type (no sub-directories) yes yes
276 Feature Support for NAV 5.0 (table without FIELDGROUPS and assignment with space ': =')yes yes
238 Feature Activate Find Usages from object index (context menu on objects)no yes
280 Feature Ability to see source even if object has parse erroryes yes
242 Feature Usage site to display if a record type is temporaryyes yes
277 Feature Display enabled flag for fields and keysyes yes
278 Feature Refresh current object on reselectionyes yes
279 Feature Better diagnostics progress dialogyes yes
287 Feature Copy text from source viewyes yes
288 Feature Detailed tooltips for opening object storesyes yes
292 Feature In feedback form, ask again if user has not entered an email addressyes yes
281 Bugfix Parse error when object exported with 24-hour clock and regional setting for long date format is H:mm:ssyes yes
283 Bugfix System functions unresolved in table objects and objects with SourceTable propertyyes yes
177 Bugfix Option field in expressions like MyRec.MyOptionField::MyOptionValue not resolvedyes yes
291 Bugfix Explorer and Index filters are not cleared when opening new object storeyes yes
301 Bugfix Parse error when Text Constants have newlines per languageyes yes
293 Bugfix Parser does not handle CASE statement with no casesyes yes
294 Bugfix Recent stores should only list one entry per storeyes yes
297 Bugfix Query system functions not resolvedyes yes
298 Bugfix Parse error when procedure/event parameter list ends with semi-colonyes yes
302 Bugfix Parse error when properties value of StyleExpr or CaptionClass is enclosed in square bracketsyes yes
303 Bugfix Parser fails when DotNet type is declared "With Events"yes yes
304 Bugfix Parser fails when Menusuite item does not have any propertiesyes yes
307 Bugfix Procedure named returns not shown on UIyes yes
308 Bugfix Prism UI pops up error when txt file has a procedure with named return without name (yes!)yes yes
310 Bugfix Feedback not possible when multiple clients are openyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.4

Released MAY 24, 2013

Id Type Description CE SE
266 Feature Show recently opened stores (files or folders). Now you can easily re-open files you have opened before (at least the last 20) yes yes
262 Feature Show dependency details in "Using" and "Used By" - we changed the way these two context-menu functions work to better match what people intuitively expect (including ourselves :-) no yes
257 Feature Free-text search inside find usages results windowyes yes
256 Feature Optimized find usage performance furtheryes yes
240 Feature Tooltips for exploreryes yes
239 Bugfix Reselection in object index not workingyes yes
261 Bugfix Can't send feedback (logging framework has read-lock on log file)yes yes
264 Bugfix Procedures on table objects not resolved when used from pages/formsyes yes
265 Bugfix Go to source position not workingyes yes
271 Bugfix Object navigation and/or declaration navigation fails (issue when using Windows Vista with basic graphics)yes yes
274 Bugfix Parsing of files exported with NZ regional settings failedyes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.3

Released MAY 5, 2013

Id Type Description CE SE
211 Feature Find usages of text constantsyes yes
222 Feature Find usages via Explorer (outline, used by, using)no yes
232 Feature Usability enhancements (busy indicator, link reselection, usage window)yes yes
Prism for C/AL 1.0.2

Released APR 21, 2013

Id Type Description CE SE
194 Feature Support for loading objects from directories in iFacto ReVision and default directory layout. The purpose of this is to have easy integration into version controlled code bases yes yes
198 Feature Progress window for sending feedbackyes yes
200 Feature "Save As" functionality to save current object store as individual files in iFactory ReVision and default directory structureyes yes
195 Bugfix Usages in DataSet items triggers cannot be linked to from usages windowno yes