Accumulated Release Notes
See what's new in the latest release of Prism for AL.
Prism for AL 4.0 Preview 3
Released MAR 26, 2025
Id | Type | Description |
1692 | Feature | Event subscriber source generator |
2682 | Feature | Show object bookmark in object index and provide filter options |
2681 | Feature | Show object ObsoleteState in object index and provide filter options |
2680 | Feature | Show object history mark in object index and provide filter options |
2719 | Feature | BC26 (runtime 15): Support for 'continue' keyword in loops |
2713 | Feature | Object outline should have expand/collapse buttons like object index |
2685 | Feature | Focus on search fields in Field Search, Procedure Search and Event Publisher Search |
2622 | Feature | Show object numbers in declaration tooltips (use it to disambiguate search results) |
2718 | Bugfix | Error opening workspace: Null reference error when parsing invalid XLIFF files |
2707 | Bugfix | Preview feedback: Last line of code in an object is partly hidden by scrollbar |
2701 | Bugfix | UnsatisfiableVersionConstraintException: Unexpected unsatisfiable new version constraint for already resolved module with module ref Application |
2700 | Bugfix | TransferFields mapping wrongly shows merge/extension symbol when target is missing |
2697 | Bugfix | On-prem usages report requires the full graph and should warn about it |
2678 | Bugfix | Parse error on Enum value range in CalcFormula filter |
2677 | Bugfix | Regression: PrismForAl connector, navigateTo blocks while opening workspace |
2624 | Bugfix | Free text search does not (always) navigate to actual result |
2598 | Bugfix | Graph translation error when On{Before|After}Validate triggers are added in field modifications of an unresolved field |
Prism for AL 4.0 Preview 2
Released FEB 6, 2025
Id | Type | Description |
2672 | Feature | Preview feedback: Line spacing in code and results could be smaller |
2671 | Feature | Preview feedback: Reduce declaration name contrast in dark mode (too white) |
2670 | Feature | BC26 (runtime 15): More app metadata |
2648 | Feature | BC26 (runtime 15): Support for fields moved between extensions - take field obsoletion into account |
2619 | Feature | BC26 (runtime 15): Multiline text literals |
2657 | Feature | Memory settings for graph loading |
2667 | Bugfix | Preview feedback: "Show accent color on title bars and window borders" setting causes title bar issue on Windows 11 |
2673 | Bugfix | Free text search result order: Unnatural order for match in header |
2669 | Bugfix | Preview feedback: Ligatures should be disabled in text literals |
2668 | Bugfix | Regression: When workspace is opened from Visual Studio Code with "View in Prism for AL", "Start action" setting must be ignored |
2666 | Bugfix | Object index "Go to module" context menu item does nothing (internal?) |
2658 | Bugfix | Preview regression: Reports cannot be started |
2655 | Bugfix | When graph loading finishes, object reloading should not trigger page change |
2604 | Bugfix | Conditional compilation symbols are ignored, when not at line start |
Prism for AL 4.0 Preview 1
Released JAN 23, 2025
Id | Type | Description |
2364 | Feature | Fluent Theme (Dark and Light modes) |
2467 | Feature | Open from BC |
2590 | Feature | Usages view: improve colours and enable keyboard navigation (arrow up/down keys) |
2630 | Feature | Show static analysis for database trigger events |
871 | Feature | Find Field Usages: Categorize function call with field as actual parameter as an Assign if formal parameter is by reference (VAR) |
2609 | Feature | All options (Options expander) in the control panel should have a corresponding setting |
2645 | Feature | Support for properties ClearActions, ClearLayout and ClearViews |
2635 | Feature | Merge triggers in report extensions for data items |
2615 | Bugfix | Graph server fails to start on some machines |
2599 | Bugfix | Graceful handling of unexpected graph server process exit during graph server startup |
2631 | Bugfix | Static analysis fails when initiated from declarations in extensions |
2616 | Bugfix | Wrong indentation when code contains TAB characters |
2592 | Bugfix | RecentItems shortcut keys are out of order |
Prism for AL 3.1.0
Released SEP 18, 2024
Id | Type | Description |
2544 | Feature | Show inbound flow-graph |
2580 | Feature | Procedural flow-graph visualization enabled for database and page event triggers |
2548 | Feature | Prism Path (custom URI scheme for specifying declaration links) |
1689 | Feature | Find usages tree view |
2547 | Feature | Free text search tree view |
2538 | Feature | Moved 'extends' and 'customizes' from object header to first group in object view |
2537 | Feature | Moved namespace and usings further down in object view |
2564 | Feature | File | Explorer menu: Order items by name |
2516 | Feature | RIMD overview window should show original declaration |
2566 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): SymbolReference.json omits zero valued attributes, e.g. "Kind" for control and action areas |
2533 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): Support for conditional expressions (condition ? ifTrue : ifFalse) |
2532 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): Support for new PageStyle type |
2529 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): Code graph flow logic for Query.SaveAsJson |
2521 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): Support for .alpackages subfolders |
2513 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): Support for new OptimizeForTextSearch property |
2502 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): Support for ProfileExtensions |
2496 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): Support for <interface> as <interface> expressions |
2495 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): Support for <interface> is <interface> expressions |
2494 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): Support for interface extending interfaces |
2468 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): Resolution of 'this' |
2582 | Bugfix | Find inbound flow to enum value fails with message "Unexpected empty tree context" when referred from table relation filter expression |
2579 | Bugfix | Inbound and outbound flow to/from OnValidate trigger in extension object failed |
2569 | Bugfix | Fixed resolution of objects that have ObsoleteState Moved or Removed |
2546 | Bugfix | Parse error when AllowedFileExtensions property has multiple comma-separated values |
2545 | Bugfix | Tooltips sometimes lack information |
2541 | Bugfix | Prism cache optimization script uses wrong path |
2531 | Bugfix | Parse error when ColumnSpan property value is negative |
2530 | Bugfix | Graph loading - name resolution error when codeunit has TableNo property and record function is implicitly scoped |
2525 | Bugfix | Setting "Confirm Closing Workspace" does not work when closing the control panel window |
2515 | Bugfix | Setting "Confirm Closing Workspace" should also apply when reloading a workspace |
2487 | Bugfix | Procedural graph Commit node does not have a tooltip |
Prism for AL 3.0.0
Released JUL 17, 2024
Id | Type | Description |
2465 | Feature | Procedural graph visualization (outgoing procedural flows) |
2469 | Feature | Immediate insights: RIMD analysis for procedure and triggers in object |
2471 | Feature | RIMD overview for a procedure/trigger |
2478 | Feature | Reachable RIMDing procedures, triggers and dispatch nodes |
2102 | Feature | Immediate insights: Commit analysis for procedure and triggers in object |
2479 | Feature | Reachable commiting procedures and triggers |
2477 | Feature | Build compact or full graph |
2461 | Feature | Generate graph on startup |
2506 | Feature | Graph views can be saved to a PNG image file |
2505 | Feature | Graph views are touch sensitive (pan and zoom in module relations, table relations and procedural graph) |
1020 | Feature | TransferFields mapping should include extended fields |
2501 | Feature | Solution overview export to Excel |
2498 | Feature | Module graph - export as image (png/jpg/svg) |
2486 | Feature | BC25 (runtime 14): Parsing support for properties FileUploadAction and FileUploadRowAction |
2462 | Feature | Flows from and Flows to: Enable also when compact graph is available |
2455 | Feature | Show TransferFields Mapping (context menu item) |
2452 | Feature | Unresolved modules should have tabs in row details |
2451 | Feature | Show related module discoveries for resolved modules |
2450 | Feature | Show related module discoveries for unresolved modules |
2428 | Feature | Workspace troubleshooting (reproduce workspace without .al code) |
2363 | Feature | Search procedure and event publishers: Find all when search field is empty |
2497 | Bugfix | Graph loading: Name Resolution - The given key was not present in the dictionary |
2460 | Bugfix | Runtime package not detected |
2436 | Bugfix | Do not crash when feature metrics file is corrupted; transactionally save feature metrics file |
2435 | Bugfix | Cannot open .code-workspace when al.packageCachePath is not found on disk |
2427 | Bugfix | Error opening workspace (UnsatisfiableVersionConstraintException) |
Prism for AL 2.7.0
Released MAR 9, 2024
Id | Type | Description |
2389 | Feature | Feature usage overview |
2272 | Feature | Event triggers should should have a more prominent placing in UI |
2369 | Feature | Improved performance of opening windows |
2420 | Feature | BC24: Support for new properties AllowMultipleFiles and AllowedFileExtensions |
2419 | Feature | BC24: Support for page layout areas Prompt and PromptOption and action areas Prompting and PromptGuide |
2417 | Feature | BC24: Support for FileUploadAction |
2414 | Feature | BC24: Support for new types: FileUpload and Cookie |
2385 | Feature | Indicate record data type as temporary when built-in function is used on a temporary instance |
2404 | Feature | Improved display of recent items (usability) |
2403 | Feature | Search fields/procedures/publishers: custom result limit for faster display of large number of results |
2398 | Feature | New notification system (information, warnings, errors) |
2392 | Feature | Improved error message when new license key cannot be written to disk |
2415 | Bugfix | Parse error when list properties like OrderBy, Customizations, and Namespaces are empty |
2379 | Bugfix | Flow result: Order of control modifications must equal syntax order |
2413 | Bugfix | The runtime property of module details is not correctly shown |
2409 | Bugfix | Recent items: Remove all does not remove anything |
2406 | Bugfix | Workspace loading fails when System app is outdated |
2395 | Bugfix | Symbol file object dependency error for some quoted name references |
2394 | Bugfix | Symbol file parse error when file contains a systemaction |
2388 | Bugfix | Temporary XmlPort data item tooltip styling is incorrect |
2387 | Bugfix | Temporary report data item tooltip lacks temporary indication |
Prism for AL 2.6.0
Released JAN 19, 2024
Id | Type | Description |
1153 | Feature | Improved analysis of temporary table usages (properties SourceTableTemporary, TableType and UseTemporary) |
2353 | Feature | Improved formatting and tooltips of temporary system-defined variables (e.g. rec), report data items, and xmlport elements |
2347 | Feature | Precise navigation for inline page trigger events |
2346 | Feature | Precise navigation for inline database trigger events |
2124 | Feature | Feature usage telemetry (optional) |
2374 | Feature | Support for PromptMode type |
2373 | Feature | Support for runtime 12.1 properties PromptDialog and IsPreview |
2268 | Feature | Upgrade to .NET 8 (LTS) |
2366 | Bugfix | Graph translation failed hard following object translation errors |
2311 | Bugfix | Extended view does not merge when implicit areas like Content is missing base object's source |
2368 | Bugfix | Parse error when dotnet type reference has namespace qualifiers |
2367 | Bugfix | NullReferenceException when handling label translation |
2355 | Bugfix | Some system function usages were not found in complex namespace scenario |
2354 | Bugfix | System function tooltip presents wrong object in rare cases |
2338 | Bugfix | Code graph memory leak |
Prism for AL 2.5.0
Released OCT 31, 2023
Id | Type | Description |
2295 | Feature | BC23: Support for namespaces |
2292 | Feature | BC23: Code graph control flow - RunObject property allows running query objects |
2275 | Feature | BC23: Ability to define fields in page customizations |
2274 | Feature | BC23: Support for new properties AllowInCustomizations and ExcelLayoutMultipleDataSheets |
2309 | Feature | BC23: Support for new properties AnalysisModeEnabled, MovedFrom and MovedTo |
2273 | Feature | BC23: Support for new SecretText type |
2330 | Feature | BC23: Support for systemaction |
2299 | Feature | Show namespaces in tooltips |
2163 | Feature | Workspace session: resume last location on workspace open |
2323 | Feature | Open directory: use NavxManifest.xml if app.json is not found |
2321 | Feature | Navigation from VSCode should be saved in history |
2317 | Feature | Resolve/link filter expressions in table relations and flowfields |
2312 | Feature | Improve annotation/attribute formatting |
2300 | Feature | User control over display of namespace names (e.g. Microsoft.Sales.Customer vs Customer) |
2331 | Bugfix | Large memory leak |
2326 | Bugfix | Name resolution error in report request page with procedure |
2316 | Bugfix | Navigation fails with some namespace-qualified object names, e.g. Codeunit::MyNamespace.MyObject |
2315 | Bugfix | Some navigations failed when e.g. table had multiple field validation triggers |
2310 | Bugfix | History navigation issues |
Prism for AL 2.4.0
Released AUG 15, 2023
Id | Type | Description |
2238 | Feature | Show page trigger events when they are subscribed to |
2256 | Feature | Outline search of translable properties |
2250 | Feature | Improve translation metadata caching (faster to open workspace after caching) |
2160 | Feature | Custom setting for the location of the Prism package cache |
2222 | Feature | Solution view: organize module details into tabs (general, used by, using, translation) |
2208 | Feature | Improve logging when graph process cannot start (e.g. out of memory) |
2207 | Feature | Minor reduction in memory usage during parsing |
2223 | Feature | Show breadcrumb to declaration in toast when no usages or flows were found |
2254 | Feature | Search modules by GUID in solution view (requires at least 4 input characters) |
2229 | Bugfix | Translations are not shown for cached packages |
2218 | Bugfix | Translation Id must use canonical property names for resilience (/trans-unit@id case sensitive hashing) |
2232 | Bugfix | Translation sources list includes files without applicable translations |
2231 | Bugfix | Module details: translation sources are unsorted |
2230 | Bugfix | Language picker shows unsorted translation languages |
2247 | Bugfix | Code graph did not include flow information for page trigger OnNewRecord and event OnNewRecordEvent |
2253 | Bugfix | Flows from On{Before|After}RenameEvent nodes was not implemented |
2252 | Bugfix | Flows from On{Before|After}ValidateEvent nodes wrongly included triggers |
2220 | Bugfix | Page extensions: modify page action does not show triggers |
Prism for AL 2.3.0
Released JUL 12, 2023
Id | Type | Description |
2197 | Feature | Setting for default translation language |
2199 | Feature | Pin selected language and always show all translation languages in language picker |
2206 | Feature | Allow non-array features attribute in app.json for backwards compatibility |
2209 | Feature | Copy translation id to clipboard |
2201 | Bugfix | XLIFF: align translation unit selection with BC runtime behavior |
2203 | Bugfix | Parse error when EntityCaption or EntitySetCaption properties have label attributes |
Prism for AL 2.2.0
Released JUN 20, 2023
Id | Type | Description |
2101 | Feature | Event publisher reachability from procedure or trigger |
2100 | Feature | CRUD analysis from procedure or trigger |
1845 | Feature | XLIFF support: show translations in place for selected language |
2057 | Feature | Graph: Distinguish between (Insert | Modify | Delete) nodes with RunTrigger postfix (True | False | Maybe) |
2138 | Feature | Support for NAV 2018 symbol files |
2181 | Feature | Do not fade out navigation cursor after a while |
2187 | Feature | Show session log entries since last feature command was executed (Ctrl+Alt+L in control panel or workspace window) |
2183 | Feature | New setting "Optimize find usages" which allows user to turn off optimization for diagnostic purposes (decides which objects to search) |
2147 | Feature | SourceExpression properties in symbol files - show expresion, hide property |
2184 | Bugfix | Find usages does not analyse extension objects that have the same name as another extension object of the same type |
2189 | Bugfix | Extended view: Some tooltips are wrong in inlined code |
2154 | Bugfix | Array types originating from symbol files are presented as the inner type |
2153 | Bugfix | Display of multidimensional array types lack commas |
Prism for AL 2.1.0
Released MAY 4, 2023
Id | Type | Description |
2117 | Feature | Support for multiple .al package cache paths for symbols |
1757 | Feature | Call stack compatiple procedure and trigger line numbers |
1577 | Feature | Extended view: Visual indications when an entity has been moved |
2105 | Feature | Show breadcrumb tooltips for declarations (object views and outline) |
2114 | Feature | Show breadcrumb tooltips for resolved identifers in code |
1881 | Feature | Inline extended TableRelation property in Extended view |
2107 | Feature | Format option types with all cases |
2136 | Feature | Show module runtime version and descriptor in module details |
2122 | Feature | Minor improvement to formatting of table relation filter expressions |
2146 | Feature | Minor improvement to formatting of view filter expressions |
2132 | Bugfix | Parse error with some keywork-like parameter names such as 'Part' |
2142 | Bugfix | Cannot index packages with symbols where object names contains nested quotes |
Prism for AL 2.0.0
Released FEB 20, 2023
Id | Type | Description |
1927 | Feature | CodeGraph: Find flows to declaration (in flows) |
1928 | Feature | CodeGraph: Find flows from declaration (out flows) |
1929 | Feature | CodeGraph: Find shortest path |
1882 | Feature | Show overloaded procedures with a symbol and quick navigation links |
1955 | Feature | Package cache optimization script update, see script in Package cache window |
1950 | Feature | Types / system function refresh: DataTransfer type etc. |
1936 | Feature | Prism command line logging (reports) |
1920 | Feature | BC 22: Support for InherentPermissions property |
2080 | Feature | BC 22: Support for properties FlowTemplateCategoryName and FlowTemplateSearchTerm |
1885 | Feature | Prism for AL Connector: Support Prism for AL installed via MSIX |
1883 | Feature | Upgrade to .NET 7 |
1867 | Feature | Object Dependencies view: Default sorting should be Type, Name (use Shift-click to select a different sorting) |
1865 | Feature | Text search: keep result when cancelling |
1863 | Feature | New persistent setting for workspace search depth |
1862 | Feature | New setting for setting size of highlighted code line (Prism cursor) |
1846 | Feature | Report: All OnPrem method usages |
2043 | Feature | Remove watermark from control panel |
1996 | Feature | Reports: logging, error handling and strict mode |
1989 | Feature | Improved tooltips for object reference links |
2015 | Feature | Add full Help/Log menu to workspace window |
1779 | Feature | Feedback window should not be modal |
2017 | Feature | Button to close the solution panel (available when an object is open) |
931 | Feature | MSIX installer (Prism will ask about uninstall of previous MSI installed version to avoid confusion) |
1969 | Feature | Delta update with appinstaller |
1854 | Feature | Support for option access syntax in property formulas, e.g. filter(Database::Customer) |
2061 | Bugfix | OnBeforeValidate and OnAfterValidate should visible at field level, not object level |
1988 | Bugfix | Name resolution of DataItemLink condition field does not take DataItemLinkReference into account |
2022 | Bugfix | Parse error when table relation uses keyword 'End' in filter expression |
1926 | Bugfix | Fields in RequestFilterFields not resolved in XmlPort TableElement RequestFilterFields property |
2013 | Bugfix | Alt+Left and Alt+Right navigation shortcuts should work when object index has focus |
1874 | Bugfix | PrismCmd autogenerated help screen is not correct |
1716 | Bugfix | Declaration tooltips wrong in object and outline views |
Prism for AL 1.8.1
Released SEP 13, 2022
Id | Type | Description |
1857 | Bugfix | Left-click on object heading in main view causes context menu issues in index and has now been disabled |
Prism for AL 1.8.0
Released SEP 9, 2022
Id | Type | Description |
1853 | Feature | BC 21: Support for customaction |
1852 | Feature | BC 21: Support for new properties (ShowAs, InherentEntitlements, CustomActionType, FlowId, FlowEnvironmentId, ExcludedPermissionSets) |
1843 | Feature | BC 21: Support for actionref |
1828 | Feature | System function refresh |
1741 | Feature | Press F1 in any window to documentation in browser |
1841 | Feature | Show version number on about screen |
1839 | Bugfix | Object context menu does not always use current object when opened with left-click |
1822 | Bugfix | Prism crashes while loading very large object |
1849 | Bugfix | Dictionary type is shown with key type twice instead of value type |
Prism for AL 1.7.1
Released JUL 4, 2022
Id | Type | Description |
1830 | Feature | Module graph: colour both inbound and outbound links of selected module by default |
1833 | Bugfix | Parse errors when conditional compilation directives are nested and both if conditions evaluate to false |
1832 | Bugfix | Free-text search fails with single dual core CPU |
Prism for AL 1.7.0
Released JUN 28, 2022
Id | Type | Description |
1815 | Feature | Show control panel even if package cache is still loading metadata (use background task) |
1807 | Feature | Emphasize package discovery issues |
1818 | Feature | StaticalPrism.exe startup commandline parameter for setting the log level via --log-level:{debug,verbose} |
1798 | Feature | Re-enable the resize grip in the control panel window |
1801 | Feature | Use new Prism for AL logo as shortcut/taskbar icon |
1793 | Feature | Target newest .NET SDK |
1690 | Feature | Package cache metrics (show total size on disk) |
1803 | Bugfix | Object dependency view does not show all results |
1827 | Bugfix | Solved some issues with very large objects |
1824 | Bugfix | Parse error when variable is named Profile |
1800 | Bugfix | Parse error when conditional compilation directives are nested |
1816 | Bugfix | Object fails to show (Prism hangs) when a code section has a block comment containing blank lines and no preceeding code |
1810 | Bugfix | Errors when objects have conditional compilation directives around the object header |
1805 | Bugfix | Find usages dialog never completes if object has been deleted after workspace has been loaded with memcache disabled |
Prism for AL 1.6.0
Released APR 1, 2022
Id | Type | Description |
1784 | Feature | BC20: Report and report extensions: Support for Rendering section |
1783 | Feature | BC20: Support for new properties ExcelLayout, LayoutFile, DefaultRenderingLayout, MimeType, Summary and SummaryML |
1784 | Feature | Brand Update: visual design updated to match new brand |
1695 | Feature | Find usages of dotnet types |
1661 | Feature | Upgrade to .NET 6 |
1698 | Feature | Show warning when workspace has unresolved dependencies and runtime packages |
1753 | Feature | Find system function usages window - search box and button to toggle grouping |
1792 | Feature | Refresh of system functions |
1643 | Feature | Open system function documentation links in external browser |
1739 | Feature | Settings "Escape closes <NAME> window" simplified to just one setting |
1723 | Feature | Wait to close workspace loader window until workspace window is ready to show |
1555 | Feature | Simplify window titles |
1726 | Bugfix | Free text grouping slow even though there are few results |
1380 | Bugfix | Page TableRelation property not shown |
1778 | Bugfix | Object viewing fails with: Expected property <property> to be a single line |
1709 | Bugfix | Clear(field) and Clear(rec.field) not filtered out when 'Clear' is unchecked in Find Usages Result |
1529 | Feature | Consistent casing in context menus |
1729 | Bugfix | Property groupings in result windows wrongly offered "Find usages" in context-menu |
1727 | Bugfix | Code fragment window refers to "External Reference" instead of "Procedure" or "Trigger" |
1719 | Bugfix | Showing dependency graph for system module does not show system module by default |
1718 | Bugfix | Top declaration group links visible in Dependencies view |
1714 | Bugfix | Confirm close window setting is ignored |
1705 | Bugfix | When outline setting is 'only extensions', then non-extensible objects have empty outline |
Prism for AL 1.5.0
Released OCT 5, 2021
Id | Type | Description |
1665 | Feature | BC19: Support for app.json resourceExposurePolicy |
1667 | Feature | BC19: Support for ColumnStoreIndex table property |
1666 | Feature | BC19: Support for IncludedFields key property |
1607 | Feature | Grouping in free text search |
1592 | Feature | Run reports from command-line |
1674 | Feature | Field usages in XmlPort field attributes and elements: include attribute/element in result |
1630 | Feature | Go to Source should be part of navigation history |
1629 | Feature | Switching object view (extended, object, source) should remember position |
1628 | Feature | Go to Source should scroll source into center of view, if space permits |
1636 | Feature | Shortcut to open log (Ctrl+L) |
1637 | Feature | Open current session log (Ctrl+Shift+L) |
1648 | Feature | Invalid license key response should suggest possible reasons and remedies |
1646 | Bugfix | Parse error when # is used in code discarded by compiler directive |
1658 | Bugfix | Load fails when platform is not defined in app.json |
1567 | Bugfix | DotNet type without alias does not resolve when default System is left out |
1460 | Bugfix | Protected variables in base object not resolved in extension object |
1421 | Bugfix | Fields in OrderBy properties are not resolved |
1420 | Bugfix | Fields in RunPageView and SourceTableView are not resolved |
1669 | Bugfix | Module path link opens *.app file instead of NavxManifest.xml in text editor |
1649 | Bugfix | Free text search sometimes fails to show all found results |
1678 | Bugfix | Navigation from Free Text Search links to source view should not loose focus in search result view |
1653 | Bugfix | Find Usages of Control Area fails when analyzing Page Customizations |
1641 | Bugfix | Name resolution wrongly resolves to base table field (via TableNo and SourceTable properties) rather that local declaration of same name |
Prism for AL 1.4.1
Released JUL 9, 2021
Id | Type | Description |
1626 | Bugfix | Some users cannot start Prism for AL 1.4.0 following installation |
Prism for AL 1.4.0
Released JUL 7, 2021
Id | Type | Description |
1470 | Feature | Go to code in source view |
1605 | Feature | Prism for AL Connector: Support for multiple instances of VSCode |
1055 | Feature | Open package file (*.app) |
1571 | Feature | Find usages of page controls |
1584 | Feature | Find usages of page views |
1598 | Feature | Find usages of query data items |
1585 | Feature | Find usages of query columns |
1590 | Feature | Find usages of query filters |
1580 | Feature | Find usages of page actions |
1616 | Feature | Search event publishers (directly in search menu) |
1455 | Feature | Increase visibility when an object is based on a symbol file |
1622 | Feature | New shortcuts to change search scope in free text search window (Ctrl+{1,2,3}) |
1618 | Feature | New shortcut for free text search across all objects (Ctrl+Shift+F) |
1613 | Feature | Consistent module icon usage (*,app vs, app.json with Git status coloring) |
1611 | Feature | Option to toggle visibility of unresolved dependencies in module dependency graph |
1609 | Feature | Common source commands in context menus |
1603 | Feature | Option to toggle visibility of propagated dependencies in module dependency graph |
1587 | Feature | Show reason when features are disabled (unlicensed or not applicable) |
1573 | Feature | Start page to show module Id |
1570 | Feature | Outline view improvements |
1569 | Feature | Control panel should show which workspaces are currently open |
1554 | Feature | New command to delete all packages from the package cache |
1542 | Feature | Free text search results should navigate to the selected view (including source view) |
1316 | Feature | Click to collapse module details |
1620 | Bugfix | SubPageLink property field value not resolved correctly when Provider property is set |
1621 | Bugfix | Provider and FreezeColumn property values not found as usage of page control |
1601 | Bugfix | BC18.2 System application symbol: Permissions and Labels unhandled |
1596 | Bugfix | Copy codeblock to clipboard fails |
1593 | Bugfix | Type resolution incomplete for e.g. query columns |
1576 | Bugfix | Page UI: Action separators not displayed |
1575 | Bugfix | Too specific control collection name in object and outline view in some cases |
1574 | Bugfix | Some free text search links into extended objects are wrong |
1568 | Bugfix | Close workspaces button disabled |
1563 | Bugfix | Reopening a minimized workspace window should bring up the workspace window |
1560 | Bugfix | code.cmd can't launch when settings path contains spaces |
1558 | Bugfix | Cancel find usages doesn't close search window |
Prism for AL 1.3.0
Released MAY 12, 2021
Id | Type | Description |
1499 | Feature | Find usages performance optimization |
1516 | Feature | Free text search feature (high-performance successor to the old codeline search) |
1506 | Feature | Goto line in Visual Studio Code |
1507 | Feature | Visual Studio Code extension published to Marketplace: View in Prism for AL |
1549 | Feature | BC18.1: ReportExtension modify dataset triggers |
1523 | Feature | Find usages of report data items |
1530 | Feature | Find usages of report columns |
1536 | Feature | Find usages of trigger named return variables (enable in UI) |
1546 | Feature | Sorted find usages results |
1539 | Feature | Prism startup time optimization (package cache initialization) |
1535 | Feature | Double-click on selected outline item to re-navigate |
1510 | Bugfix | Copy code misses leading annotations and access modifiers |
1517 | Bugfix | Parse error when OptionMembers property contains names that are also reserved words |
1504 | Bugfix | Parse error on some properties |
1545 | Bugfix | Go to source position does not work when position is outside currently visible area |
Prism for AL 1.2.0
Released APR 20, 2021
Id | Type | Description |
1371 | Feature | BC18: Complex return types |
1452 | Feature | BC18: ReportExtension object type |
1441 | Feature | BC18: PermissionSet object type |
1442 | Feature | BC18: PermissionSetExtension object type |
1429 | Feature | BC18: Entitlement object type |
1475 | Feature | BC18: Table extension keys with base table fields (goto declaration for field and setcurrentkey; find usages of fields and keys) |
1473 | Feature | BC18: Parsing of new properties |
1444 | Feature | Outline view parity with object view; structure, styling and settings |
1436 | Feature | Distinct visualization of disabled page controls and actions |
1435 | Feature | Distinct visualization of disabled or obsolete fields and disabled keys |
1465 | Feature | Evaluation of conditional compilation directives (app.json and #define/#undef) |
1450 | Feature | Go to position in Prism from VS Code (Prism side; VS Code extension follows) |
1216 | Feature | Search boxes - include partial word matches ('inter end' finds 'interface to send') |
1425 | Feature | Variables, parameters and properties with object references should have context menu and better tooltip |
1456 | Feature | Go to last link position (Ctrl+Space) |
1443 | Feature | Copy procedure source to include trailing semicolon |
1481 | Feature | Parsing: Ignore unrecognized characters with accent such as 'Â' in .al files (like VS Code does; not displayed) |
1496 | Bugfix | Object reference tooltips wrong - caches last used value |
1486 | Bugfix | Fields in page view Filter property not resolved |
1483 | Bugfix | Parse error when TableRelation has condition field which is also a keyword |
1480 | Bugfix | Parse error when XmlPort property UseLax is used |
1451 | Bugfix | Search depth: click does not always work |
1445 | Bugfix | INSERT repeated three times in Find System Function Usages dialog |
1440 | Bugfix | Parse error when ControlAddIn is used as a variable type |
1427 | Bugfix | Outline group name pluralization wrong in some cases and missing word spaces |
1426 | Bugfix | Documentation help links should not be added to navigation history |
1345 | Bugfix | Back navigation following click on extension arrow does not navigate back to previous location |
Prism for AL 1.1.0
Released FEB 25, 2021
Id | Type | Description |
1304 | Feature | Dependency View (activate from bottom of object area) |
1300 | Feature | Immediate view of where a table is used as Source Table via dependency view |
1321 | Feature | Object view design changes |
1337 | Feature | Semantic code coloring |
1302 | Feature | Partial BC14 support |
1192 | Feature | Flexible index grouping and sorting of modules and objects |
1306 | Feature | Simplified object explorer (Using/Used By moved from Explorer to Dependency view) |
1323 | Feature | Changed context menu cursor to hand and find usages with left mouse click |
1372 | Feature | Outline navigation change: navigate to extended object declaration site rather than extension object declaration site |
1369 | Feature | Explorer navigation change: navigate to extended object declaration site rather than extension object declaration site |
1396 | Feature | Show properties in outline window (default=hidden) |
1297 | Feature | Copy procedure (clipboard and text editor) |
982 | Feature | Name resolution: respect protected keyword for procedures |
1399 | Feature | Show Database Trigger Events in object view |
1327 | Feature | Show field groups |
1388 | Feature | Show field group modifications |
1409 | Feature | Crop label type definition literals >60 chars and enable LeftClick to copy literals to clipboard |
1378 | Feature | Group recent items by age |
1377 | Feature | Refresh system function definitions |
1330 | Feature | In-app request trial license |
1309 | Feature | New view menu items and shortcuts in workspace |
1295 | Feature | Index collapse/expand button now has hand cursor |
1294 | Feature | Symbol parsing - improve property parsing for BC17.4 System Application |
1265 | Feature | Highlight code group headline after navigating to it with code group shortcut |
1315 | Bugfix | Parse error when block comments contains '/*' (unlike C/AL, AL does not have nested block comments) |
1314 | Bugfix | Parse error when table relation or flowfield use fields that are also keywords |
1311 | Bugfix | Parse error when flowfield has filter with multiple logical operators or negative numeric literals |
1415 | Bugfix | Parse error when page part has multiplicity property |
1395 | Bugfix | Name resolution fails for expressions enum::MyEnum::MyValue |
1335 | Bugfix | Unresolved identifiers in some query DataItemLink properties |
1292 | Bugfix | Name resolution: Subscriber has no link to publisher function when publisher is defined as local |
1287 | Bugfix | Overload resolution chooses wrong overload when the call is scoped |
1249 | Bugfix | Name resolution: fixes for resolving names in implicit 'rec' |
1400 | Bugfix | Database trigger events missing from explorer view |
1390 | Bugfix | Base object blank in object extends clause when base object module is unresolved |
1387 | Bugfix | Explorer declaration group order is inconsistent with object and outline views |
1348 | Bugfix | AccessByPermission property: permission was not visible |
1346 | Bugfix | Property/trigger UI mixup in UserControl |
1329 | Bugfix | System Application - asterisk/tooltip misleading |
1308 | Bugfix | Recent item loss |
1298 | Bugfix | Start page / module details / using: module dependency version constraints erroneous |
1266 | Bugfix | Back navigation broken for merged extension declarations |
1296 | Bugfix | Prism icon missing |
Prism for AL 1.0.1
Released JAN 9, 2021
Id | Type | Description |
1285 | Feature | Change Prism package cache location to local application data |
1286 | Feature | Add links to copy package cache optimization script to clipboard (Windows Defender exception) |
1288 | Feature | Forward/backward keyboard shortcuts (ALT+LEFT|RIGHT) and mouse shortcuts |
1281 | Feature | Shortcut properties code group |
1274 | Feature | Start page: show dependency version constraints |
1289 | Feature | Discoverability: show hand cursor when hovering over codeline mark area not yet marked |
1282 | Bugfix | Workspace file "al.packageCachePath" setting ignored |
1283 | Bugfix | Package cache path resolution fails if directory does not exist |
1275 | Bugfix | Module dependency graph incorrect version constraint |
1276 | Bugfix | Glyph fallback mechanism throws NullReferenceException when missing Segoe MDL2 Assets font (pre-Windows 10) |
Prism for AL 1.0.0
Released DEC 30, 2020
Id | Type | Description |
1118 | Feature | Open folder without app.json file (automagic) |
1218 | Feature | Load - use al.packageCachePath setting |
1220 | Feature | Configurable package resolution |
1226 | Feature | Detect and warn user of runtime package |
1034 | Feature | Support for Enum objects |
1035 | Feature | Support for EnumExtension objects |
1040 | Feature | Support for DotNet objects |
1039 | Feature | Support for ControlAddIn objects |
1036 | Feature | Support for PageCustomization objects |
1038 | Feature | Support for Profile objects |
1223 | Feature | Find usages of Enum Values |
1245 | Feature | Find usages of interfaces and codeunits in enum and enumextensions |
1230 | Feature | Start page - package discovery panel |
1255 | Feature | Shortcuts to code groups |
1242 | Feature | Interface UI: List of implementations |
1167 | Feature | Use standard outline icons across Prism |
1228 | Feature | Module relations graph enhancements |
1210 | Feature | Workspace window improvements |
1211 | Feature | Control panel window improvements |
1171 | Feature | Table keys in explorer should list fields |
1017 | Feature | UI page views |
1258 | Feature | Widen workspace window |
1247 | Feature | BC 17.2 - test |
1232 | Bugfix | Parse error when dotnet assembly or type names have dots and are unquoted |
1240 | Bugfix | Parse error when XmlPort has property RecordSeparator |
1273 | Bugfix | Parse error when page has EntityCaption or EntitySetCaption properties |
1237 | Bugfix | Missing Application module not listed as Unresolved |
1208 | Bugfix | Outline group header is malformatted |
Prism for AL 0.9.6
Released NOV 19, 2020
Id | Type | Description |
1163 | Feature | Redesign control panel window |
1162 | Feature | Redesign workspace window |
1181 | Feature | Workspace start page: Solution overview |
1196 | Feature | Workspace file cache (snapshots workspace files, so changes done in VS Code do not influence Prism until reload) |
1200 | Feature | Workspace reload command |
1157 | Feature | Package cache window (accessible from Control Panel) |
1119 | Feature | Display module fields introduced in BC17: PreprocessorSymbols, SuppressWarnings, KeyVaultUrls, ApplicationInsightsKey |
1193 | Feature | Upgrade to .NET 5 |
1158 | Bugfix | Support JSON comments in *.code-workspace, app.json and SymbolReference.json files |
1147 | Bugfix | .code-workspace file support: paths with .. (dotdot/parent) |
1173 | Bugfix | Page extension UI fails when add{after|before|first|last} section is empty |
1183 | Bugfix | Find object usages did not find page referenced in page part controls |
1190 | Bugfix | Installation wrongly requires .NET Framework 4.8 (and with error message in Danish) |
1178 | Bugfix | Provider property value always displays 'Provider' |
1166 | Bugfix | Module resolution window cannot resize |
1165 | Bugfix | Parse error when variable of name "Actions" is used in code as Actions (without double quotes) |
1175 | Bugfix | Parse error when dotnet type is declared without an alias |
1090 | Bugfix | Symbol file parsing of Query and XmlPort objects incomplete |
1176 | Bugfix | Symbol file parse error on System Application table "Reten. Pol. Filtering Param" |
1185 | Bugfix | Objects from symbol files - visualization issues |
1198 | Bugfix | Conditional compilation directives get truncated |
1161 | Bugfix | Close all workspaces doesn't close windows |
Prism for AL 0.9.5
Released OCT 20, 2020
Id | Type | Description |
1151 | Bugfix | Load error when report lacks data set, request page, and labels |
Prism for AL 0.9.4
Released OCT 19, 2020
Id | Type | Description |
1148 | Bugfix | Startup error (cache directory does not exist) |
Prism for AL 0.9.3
Released OCT 18, 2020
Id | Type | Description |
1023 | Feature | Module dependencies via app.json property 'application' (support for base application aliasing) |
1070 | Feature | Module dependency proparation via app.json property 'PropagateDependencies' |
1120 | Feature | Package diff resolution: use package 'signature' for uniqueness |
1115 | Feature | Module dependency version behavior: MinVersion vs Version |
1142 | Feature | Workaround for BC17 System Application SymbolReference.json being end-padded by NULs |
1139 | Feature | Report "Save Object Dependencies" - added ControlAddIn dependency from pages |
1138 | Feature | Report "Save Object Dependencies" - added interface dependency from Enum and EnumExtensions |
1003 | Feature | Add extension name to 'Object Dependencies and 'Unreferenced Objects' reports |
1136 | Feature | BC17: DataAccessIntent property |
1134 | Feature | BC17: Conditional compilation (#if, #elif, #endif, #define, #undef) support (preliminary) |
1133 | Feature | BC17: #pragma compiler directive support (preliminary) |
1132 | Feature | BC17: #region compiler directive support (preliminary) |
1129 | Feature | Diagnostic workspace resolution window |
1128 | Feature | Friendly workspace address display |
1137 | Bugfix | Parse error when last line of file is line comment without newline |
1107 | Bugfix | Parse error when pageextension contains views |
1106 | Bugfix | Parse error when table relation uses some specific const values |
1095 | Bugfix | Parse error when XmlPort has property InlineSchema |
1093 | Bugfix | Indexing error during load for certain scope (::) expressions |
1131 | Bugfix | System module dependency missing in module graph visualization |
1111 | Bugfix | Integration event properties (IncludeSender, GlobalVarAccess) show opposite boolean values |
1104 | Bugfix | Find field usages: Table relation condition left-hand side resolved in relation table instead of source table |
1103 | Bugfix | Open in Text Editor failed to open |
1100 | Bugfix | Descriptive watermark text not shown in Prism fields |
1096 | Bugfix | Enum is usage and dependency of a table field of type Enum |
1105 | Bugfix | Installation issue: 'An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (StaticalPrism.deps.json) was not found' |
Prism for AL 0.9.2
Released SEP 2, 2020
Id | Type | Description |
1033 | Feature | Support for XMLPort objects |
1032 | Feature | Support for Query objects |
1015 | Feature | UI: Reports to show RequestPage when present |
1059 | Feature | .NET Core Migration |
1080 | Feature | Improved error message when workspace contains two modules with the same id |
1068 | Feature | Logging of parse errors: only log fragment of code, not full object |
1066 | Feature | Disable command line argument support. |
1065 | Feature | Verbose log level user switch |
1085 | Bugfix | Parse error on properties APIVersion, CharAllowed, SignDisplacement, SqlTimestamp and SqlDataType |
1092 | Bugfix | Parse error when flowfield has empty CONST expression: CONST() |
1091 | Bugfix | Parse error when ApplicationArea is empty |
1074 | Bugfix | Parse error when in enum expressions when value is a keyword, e.g. MyEnum::Actions |
1072 | Bugfix | Parse Exception 'syntax error'. Last token was 'T_SEMICOLON' - happens when source has an 'empty property', i.e. extra ';' between properties |
1078 | Bugfix | Report top level properties and triggers not displayed |
1086 | Bugfix | "Save Object Dependencies" report missed entries and did not print object id |
1084 | Bugfix | Table dependency in AccessByPermission property not found |
1083 | Bugfix | Installer language changed to English (was mixed Danish and English) |
1079 | Bugfix | Navigation to report data item fails |
Prism for AL 0.9.1
Released JUL 10, 2020
Id | Type | Description |
987 | Feature | Use symbol file when package manifest has ShowMyCode=false setting |
1041 | Feature | Procedure overloading (resolution and find usages) |
1037 | Feature | Full support for Interface objects |
1057 | Feature | Allow higher memory usage (enabled 64-bit processes) |
1058 | Feature | Object outline: added 'using' and 'used by' sections |
1042 | Feature | Explore table relations enabled (was disabled in previous preview) |
979 | Feature | System function resolution completed including links to Microsoft's documentation |