Accumulated Release Notes

See what's new in the latest release of Prism for AL.

Prism for AL 4.0 Preview 3

Released MAR 26, 2025

Id Type Description
1692 Feature Event subscriber source generator
2682 Feature Show object bookmark in object index and provide filter options
2681 Feature Show object ObsoleteState in object index and provide filter options
2680 Feature Show object history mark in object index and provide filter options
2719 Feature BC26 (runtime 15): Support for 'continue' keyword in loops
2713 Feature Object outline should have expand/collapse buttons like object index
2685 Feature Focus on search fields in Field Search, Procedure Search and Event Publisher Search
2622 Feature Show object numbers in declaration tooltips (use it to disambiguate search results)
2718 Bugfix Error opening workspace: Null reference error when parsing invalid XLIFF files
2707 Bugfix Preview feedback: Last line of code in an object is partly hidden by scrollbar
2701 Bugfix UnsatisfiableVersionConstraintException: Unexpected unsatisfiable new version constraint for already resolved module with module ref Application
2700 Bugfix TransferFields mapping wrongly shows merge/extension symbol when target is missing
2697 Bugfix On-prem usages report requires the full graph and should warn about it
2678 Bugfix Parse error on Enum value range in CalcFormula filter
2677 Bugfix Regression: PrismForAl connector, navigateTo blocks while opening workspace
2624 Bugfix Free text search does not (always) navigate to actual result
2598 Bugfix Graph translation error when On{Before|After}Validate triggers are added in field modifications of an unresolved field
Prism for AL 4.0 Preview 2

Released FEB 6, 2025

Id Type Description
2672 Feature Preview feedback: Line spacing in code and results could be smaller
2671 Feature Preview feedback: Reduce declaration name contrast in dark mode (too white)
2670 Feature BC26 (runtime 15): More app metadata
2648 Feature BC26 (runtime 15): Support for fields moved between extensions - take field obsoletion into account
2619 Feature BC26 (runtime 15): Multiline text literals
2657 Feature Memory settings for graph loading
2667 Bugfix Preview feedback: "Show accent color on title bars and window borders" setting causes title bar issue on Windows 11
2673 Bugfix Free text search result order: Unnatural order for match in header
2669 Bugfix Preview feedback: Ligatures should be disabled in text literals
2668 Bugfix Regression: When workspace is opened from Visual Studio Code with "View in Prism for AL", "Start action" setting must be ignored
2666 Bugfix Object index "Go to module" context menu item does nothing (internal?)
2658 Bugfix Preview regression: Reports cannot be started
2655 Bugfix When graph loading finishes, object reloading should not trigger page change
2604 Bugfix Conditional compilation symbols are ignored, when not at line start
Prism for AL 4.0 Preview 1

Released JAN 23, 2025

Id Type Description
2364 Feature Fluent Theme (Dark and Light modes)
2467 Feature Open from BC
2590 Feature Usages view: improve colours and enable keyboard navigation (arrow up/down keys)
2630 Feature Show static analysis for database trigger events
871 Feature Find Field Usages: Categorize function call with field as actual parameter as an Assign if formal parameter is by reference (VAR)
2609 Feature All options (Options expander) in the control panel should have a corresponding setting
2645 Feature Support for properties ClearActions, ClearLayout and ClearViews
2635 Feature Merge triggers in report extensions for data items
2615 Bugfix Graph server fails to start on some machines
2599 Bugfix Graceful handling of unexpected graph server process exit during graph server startup
2631 Bugfix Static analysis fails when initiated from declarations in extensions
2616 Bugfix Wrong indentation when code contains TAB characters
2592 Bugfix RecentItems shortcut keys are out of order
Prism for AL 3.1.0

Released SEP 18, 2024

Id Type Description
2544 Feature Show inbound flow-graph
2580 Feature Procedural flow-graph visualization enabled for database and page event triggers
2548 Feature Prism Path (custom URI scheme for specifying declaration links)
1689 Feature Find usages tree view
2547 Feature Free text search tree view
2538 Feature Moved 'extends' and 'customizes' from object header to first group in object view
2537 Feature Moved namespace and usings further down in object view
2564 Feature File | Explorer menu: Order items by name
2516 Feature RIMD overview window should show original declaration
2566 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): SymbolReference.json omits zero valued attributes, e.g. "Kind" for control and action areas
2533 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): Support for conditional expressions (condition ? ifTrue : ifFalse)
2532 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): Support for new PageStyle type
2529 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): Code graph flow logic for Query.SaveAsJson
2521 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): Support for .alpackages subfolders
2513 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): Support for new OptimizeForTextSearch property
2502 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): Support for ProfileExtensions
2496 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): Support for <interface> as <interface> expressions
2495 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): Support for <interface> is <interface> expressions
2494 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): Support for interface extending interfaces
2468 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): Resolution of 'this'
2582 Bugfix Find inbound flow to enum value fails with message "Unexpected empty tree context" when referred from table relation filter expression
2579 Bugfix Inbound and outbound flow to/from OnValidate trigger in extension object failed
2569 Bugfix Fixed resolution of objects that have ObsoleteState Moved or Removed
2546 Bugfix Parse error when AllowedFileExtensions property has multiple comma-separated values
2545 Bugfix Tooltips sometimes lack information
2541 Bugfix Prism cache optimization script uses wrong path
2531 Bugfix Parse error when ColumnSpan property value is negative
2530 Bugfix Graph loading - name resolution error when codeunit has TableNo property and record function is implicitly scoped
2525 Bugfix Setting "Confirm Closing Workspace" does not work when closing the control panel window
2515 Bugfix Setting "Confirm Closing Workspace" should also apply when reloading a workspace
2487 Bugfix Procedural graph Commit node does not have a tooltip
Prism for AL 3.0.0

Released JUL 17, 2024

Id Type Description
2465 Feature Procedural graph visualization (outgoing procedural flows)
2469 Feature Immediate insights: RIMD analysis for procedure and triggers in object
2471 Feature RIMD overview for a procedure/trigger
2478 Feature Reachable RIMDing procedures, triggers and dispatch nodes
2102 Feature Immediate insights: Commit analysis for procedure and triggers in object
2479 Feature Reachable commiting procedures and triggers
2477 Feature Build compact or full graph
2461 Feature Generate graph on startup
2506 Feature Graph views can be saved to a PNG image file
2505 Feature Graph views are touch sensitive (pan and zoom in module relations, table relations and procedural graph)
1020 Feature TransferFields mapping should include extended fields
2501 Feature Solution overview export to Excel
2498 Feature Module graph - export as image (png/jpg/svg)
2486 Feature BC25 (runtime 14): Parsing support for properties FileUploadAction and FileUploadRowAction
2462 Feature Flows from and Flows to: Enable also when compact graph is available
2455 Feature Show TransferFields Mapping (context menu item)
2452 Feature Unresolved modules should have tabs in row details
2451 Feature Show related module discoveries for resolved modules
2450 Feature Show related module discoveries for unresolved modules
2428 Feature Workspace troubleshooting (reproduce workspace without .al code)
2363 Feature Search procedure and event publishers: Find all when search field is empty
2497 Bugfix Graph loading: Name Resolution - The given key was not present in the dictionary
2460 Bugfix Runtime package not detected
2436 Bugfix Do not crash when feature metrics file is corrupted; transactionally save feature metrics file
2435 Bugfix Cannot open .code-workspace when al.packageCachePath is not found on disk
2427 Bugfix Error opening workspace (UnsatisfiableVersionConstraintException)
Prism for AL 2.7.0

Released MAR 9, 2024

Id Type Description
2389 Feature Feature usage overview
2272 Feature Event triggers should should have a more prominent placing in UI
2369 Feature Improved performance of opening windows
2420 Feature BC24: Support for new properties AllowMultipleFiles and AllowedFileExtensions
2419 Feature BC24: Support for page layout areas Prompt and PromptOption and action areas Prompting and PromptGuide
2417 Feature BC24: Support for FileUploadAction
2414 Feature BC24: Support for new types: FileUpload and Cookie
2385 Feature Indicate record data type as temporary when built-in function is used on a temporary instance
2404 Feature Improved display of recent items (usability)
2403 Feature Search fields/procedures/publishers: custom result limit for faster display of large number of results
2398 Feature New notification system (information, warnings, errors)
2392 Feature Improved error message when new license key cannot be written to disk
2415 Bugfix Parse error when list properties like OrderBy, Customizations, and Namespaces are empty
2379 Bugfix Flow result: Order of control modifications must equal syntax order
2413 Bugfix The runtime property of module details is not correctly shown
2409 Bugfix Recent items: Remove all does not remove anything
2406 Bugfix Workspace loading fails when System app is outdated
2395 Bugfix Symbol file object dependency error for some quoted name references
2394 Bugfix Symbol file parse error when file contains a systemaction
2388 Bugfix Temporary XmlPort data item tooltip styling is incorrect
2387 Bugfix Temporary report data item tooltip lacks temporary indication
Prism for AL 2.6.0

Released JAN 19, 2024

Id Type Description
1153 Feature Improved analysis of temporary table usages (properties SourceTableTemporary, TableType and UseTemporary)
2353 Feature Improved formatting and tooltips of temporary system-defined variables (e.g. rec), report data items, and xmlport elements
2347 Feature Precise navigation for inline page trigger events
2346 Feature Precise navigation for inline database trigger events
2124 Feature Feature usage telemetry (optional)
2374 Feature Support for PromptMode type
2373 Feature Support for runtime 12.1 properties PromptDialog and IsPreview
2268 Feature Upgrade to .NET 8 (LTS)
2366 Bugfix Graph translation failed hard following object translation errors
2311 Bugfix Extended view does not merge when implicit areas like Content is missing base object's source
2368 Bugfix Parse error when dotnet type reference has namespace qualifiers
2367 Bugfix NullReferenceException when handling label translation
2355 Bugfix Some system function usages were not found in complex namespace scenario
2354 Bugfix System function tooltip presents wrong object in rare cases
2338 Bugfix Code graph memory leak
Prism for AL 2.5.0

Released OCT 31, 2023

Id Type Description
2295 Feature BC23: Support for namespaces
2292 Feature BC23: Code graph control flow - RunObject property allows running query objects
2275 Feature BC23: Ability to define fields in page customizations
2274 Feature BC23: Support for new properties AllowInCustomizations and ExcelLayoutMultipleDataSheets
2309 Feature BC23: Support for new properties AnalysisModeEnabled, MovedFrom and MovedTo
2273 Feature BC23: Support for new SecretText type
2330 Feature BC23: Support for systemaction
2299 Feature Show namespaces in tooltips
2163 Feature Workspace session: resume last location on workspace open
2323 Feature Open directory: use NavxManifest.xml if app.json is not found
2321 Feature Navigation from VSCode should be saved in history
2317 Feature Resolve/link filter expressions in table relations and flowfields
2312 Feature Improve annotation/attribute formatting
2300 Feature User control over display of namespace names (e.g. Microsoft.Sales.Customer vs Customer)
2331 Bugfix Large memory leak
2326 Bugfix Name resolution error in report request page with procedure
2316 Bugfix Navigation fails with some namespace-qualified object names, e.g. Codeunit::MyNamespace.MyObject
2315 Bugfix Some navigations failed when e.g. table had multiple field validation triggers
2310 Bugfix History navigation issues
Prism for AL 2.4.0

Released AUG 15, 2023

Id Type Description
2238 Feature Show page trigger events when they are subscribed to
2256 Feature Outline search of translable properties
2250 Feature Improve translation metadata caching (faster to open workspace after caching)
2160 Feature Custom setting for the location of the Prism package cache
2222 Feature Solution view: organize module details into tabs (general, used by, using, translation)
2208 Feature Improve logging when graph process cannot start (e.g. out of memory)
2207 Feature Minor reduction in memory usage during parsing
2223 Feature Show breadcrumb to declaration in toast when no usages or flows were found
2254 Feature Search modules by GUID in solution view (requires at least 4 input characters)
2229 Bugfix Translations are not shown for cached packages
2218 Bugfix Translation Id must use canonical property names for resilience (/trans-unit@id case sensitive hashing)
2232 Bugfix Translation sources list includes files without applicable translations
2231 Bugfix Module details: translation sources are unsorted
2230 Bugfix Language picker shows unsorted translation languages
2247 Bugfix Code graph did not include flow information for page trigger OnNewRecord and event OnNewRecordEvent
2253 Bugfix Flows from On{Before|After}RenameEvent nodes was not implemented
2252 Bugfix Flows from On{Before|After}ValidateEvent nodes wrongly included triggers
2220 Bugfix Page extensions: modify page action does not show triggers
Prism for AL 2.3.0

Released JUL 12, 2023

Id Type Description
2197 Feature Setting for default translation language
2199 Feature Pin selected language and always show all translation languages in language picker
2206 Feature Allow non-array features attribute in app.json for backwards compatibility
2209 Feature Copy translation id to clipboard
2201 Bugfix XLIFF: align translation unit selection with BC runtime behavior
2203 Bugfix Parse error when EntityCaption or EntitySetCaption properties have label attributes
Prism for AL 2.2.0

Released JUN 20, 2023

Id Type Description
2101 Feature Event publisher reachability from procedure or trigger
2100 Feature CRUD analysis from procedure or trigger
1845 Feature XLIFF support: show translations in place for selected language
2057 Feature Graph: Distinguish between (Insert | Modify | Delete) nodes with RunTrigger postfix (True | False | Maybe)
2138 Feature Support for NAV 2018 symbol files
2181 Feature Do not fade out navigation cursor after a while
2187 Feature Show session log entries since last feature command was executed (Ctrl+Alt+L in control panel or workspace window)
2183 Feature New setting "Optimize find usages" which allows user to turn off optimization for diagnostic purposes (decides which objects to search)
2147 Feature SourceExpression properties in symbol files - show expresion, hide property
2184 Bugfix Find usages does not analyse extension objects that have the same name as another extension object of the same type
2189 Bugfix Extended view: Some tooltips are wrong in inlined code
2154 Bugfix Array types originating from symbol files are presented as the inner type
2153 Bugfix Display of multidimensional array types lack commas
Prism for AL 2.1.0

Released MAY 4, 2023

Id Type Description
2117 Feature Support for multiple .al package cache paths for symbols
1757 Feature Call stack compatiple procedure and trigger line numbers
1577 Feature Extended view: Visual indications when an entity has been moved
2105 Feature Show breadcrumb tooltips for declarations (object views and outline)
2114 Feature Show breadcrumb tooltips for resolved identifers in code
1881 Feature Inline extended TableRelation property in Extended view
2107 Feature Format option types with all cases
2136 Feature Show module runtime version and descriptor in module details
2122 Feature Minor improvement to formatting of table relation filter expressions
2146 Feature Minor improvement to formatting of view filter expressions
2132 Bugfix Parse error with some keywork-like parameter names such as 'Part'
2142 Bugfix Cannot index packages with symbols where object names contains nested quotes
Prism for AL 2.0.0

Released FEB 20, 2023

Id Type Description
1927 Feature CodeGraph: Find flows to declaration (in flows)
1928 Feature CodeGraph: Find flows from declaration (out flows)
1929 Feature CodeGraph: Find shortest path
1882 Feature Show overloaded procedures with a symbol and quick navigation links
1955 Feature Package cache optimization script update, see script in Package cache window
1950 Feature Types / system function refresh: DataTransfer type etc.
1936 Feature Prism command line logging (reports)
1920 Feature BC 22: Support for InherentPermissions property
2080 Feature BC 22: Support for properties FlowTemplateCategoryName and FlowTemplateSearchTerm
1885 Feature Prism for AL Connector: Support Prism for AL installed via MSIX
1883 Feature Upgrade to .NET 7
1867 Feature Object Dependencies view: Default sorting should be Type, Name (use Shift-click to select a different sorting)
1865 Feature Text search: keep result when cancelling
1863 Feature New persistent setting for workspace search depth
1862 Feature New setting for setting size of highlighted code line (Prism cursor)
1846 Feature Report: All OnPrem method usages
2043 Feature Remove watermark from control panel
1996 Feature Reports: logging, error handling and strict mode
1989 Feature Improved tooltips for object reference links
2015 Feature Add full Help/Log menu to workspace window
1779 Feature Feedback window should not be modal
2017 Feature Button to close the solution panel (available when an object is open)
931 Feature MSIX installer (Prism will ask about uninstall of previous MSI installed version to avoid confusion)
1969 Feature Delta update with appinstaller
1854 Feature Support for option access syntax in property formulas, e.g. filter(Database::Customer)
2061 Bugfix OnBeforeValidate and OnAfterValidate should visible at field level, not object level
1988 Bugfix Name resolution of DataItemLink condition field does not take DataItemLinkReference into account
2022 Bugfix Parse error when table relation uses keyword 'End' in filter expression
1926 Bugfix Fields in RequestFilterFields not resolved in XmlPort TableElement RequestFilterFields property
2013 Bugfix Alt+Left and Alt+Right navigation shortcuts should work when object index has focus
1874 Bugfix PrismCmd autogenerated help screen is not correct
1716 Bugfix Declaration tooltips wrong in object and outline views
Prism for AL 1.8.1

Released SEP 13, 2022

Id Type Description
1857 Bugfix Left-click on object heading in main view causes context menu issues in index and has now been disabled
Prism for AL 1.8.0

Released SEP 9, 2022

Id Type Description
1853 Feature BC 21: Support for customaction
1852 Feature BC 21: Support for new properties (ShowAs, InherentEntitlements, CustomActionType, FlowId, FlowEnvironmentId, ExcludedPermissionSets)
1843 Feature BC 21: Support for actionref
1828 Feature System function refresh
1741 Feature Press F1 in any window to documentation in browser
1841 Feature Show version number on about screen
1839 Bugfix Object context menu does not always use current object when opened with left-click
1822 Bugfix Prism crashes while loading very large object
1849 Bugfix Dictionary type is shown with key type twice instead of value type
Prism for AL 1.7.1

Released JUL 4, 2022

Id Type Description
1830 Feature Module graph: colour both inbound and outbound links of selected module by default
1833 Bugfix Parse errors when conditional compilation directives are nested and both if conditions evaluate to false
1832 Bugfix Free-text search fails with single dual core CPU
Prism for AL 1.7.0

Released JUN 28, 2022

Id Type Description
1815 Feature Show control panel even if package cache is still loading metadata (use background task)
1807 Feature Emphasize package discovery issues
1818 Feature StaticalPrism.exe startup commandline parameter for setting the log level via --log-level:{debug,verbose}
1798 Feature Re-enable the resize grip in the control panel window
1801 Feature Use new Prism for AL logo as shortcut/taskbar icon
1793 Feature Target newest .NET SDK
1690 Feature Package cache metrics (show total size on disk)
1803 Bugfix Object dependency view does not show all results
1827 Bugfix Solved some issues with very large objects
1824 Bugfix Parse error when variable is named Profile
1800 Bugfix Parse error when conditional compilation directives are nested
1816 Bugfix Object fails to show (Prism hangs) when a code section has a block comment containing blank lines and no preceeding code
1810 Bugfix Errors when objects have conditional compilation directives around the object header
1805 Bugfix Find usages dialog never completes if object has been deleted after workspace has been loaded with memcache disabled
Prism for AL 1.6.0

Released APR 1, 2022

Id Type Description
1784 Feature BC20: Report and report extensions: Support for Rendering section
1783 Feature BC20: Support for new properties ExcelLayout, LayoutFile, DefaultRenderingLayout, MimeType, Summary and SummaryML
1784 Feature Brand Update: visual design updated to match new brand
1695 Feature Find usages of dotnet types
1661 Feature Upgrade to .NET 6
1698 Feature Show warning when workspace has unresolved dependencies and runtime packages
1753 Feature Find system function usages window - search box and button to toggle grouping
1792 Feature Refresh of system functions
1643 Feature Open system function documentation links in external browser
1739 Feature Settings "Escape closes <NAME> window" simplified to just one setting
1723 Feature Wait to close workspace loader window until workspace window is ready to show
1555 Feature Simplify window titles
1726 Bugfix Free text grouping slow even though there are few results
1380 Bugfix Page TableRelation property not shown
1778 Bugfix Object viewing fails with: Expected property &lt;property&gt; to be a single line
1709 Bugfix Clear(field) and Clear(rec.field) not filtered out when 'Clear' is unchecked in Find Usages Result
1529 Feature Consistent casing in context menus
1729 Bugfix Property groupings in result windows wrongly offered "Find usages" in context-menu
1727 Bugfix Code fragment window refers to "External Reference" instead of "Procedure" or "Trigger"
1719 Bugfix Showing dependency graph for system module does not show system module by default
1718 Bugfix Top declaration group links visible in Dependencies view
1714 Bugfix Confirm close window setting is ignored
1705 Bugfix When outline setting is 'only extensions', then non-extensible objects have empty outline
Prism for AL 1.5.0

Released OCT 5, 2021

Id Type Description
1665 Feature BC19: Support for app.json resourceExposurePolicy
1667 Feature BC19: Support for ColumnStoreIndex table property
1666 Feature BC19: Support for IncludedFields key property
1607 Feature Grouping in free text search
1592 Feature Run reports from command-line
1674 Feature Field usages in XmlPort field attributes and elements: include attribute/element in result
1630 Feature Go to Source should be part of navigation history
1629 Feature Switching object view (extended, object, source) should remember position
1628 Feature Go to Source should scroll source into center of view, if space permits
1636 Feature Shortcut to open log (Ctrl+L)
1637 Feature Open current session log (Ctrl+Shift+L)
1648 Feature Invalid license key response should suggest possible reasons and remedies
1646 Bugfix Parse error when # is used in code discarded by compiler directive
1658 Bugfix Load fails when platform is not defined in app.json
1567 Bugfix DotNet type without alias does not resolve when default System is left out
1460 Bugfix Protected variables in base object not resolved in extension object
1421 Bugfix Fields in OrderBy properties are not resolved
1420 Bugfix Fields in RunPageView and SourceTableView are not resolved
1669 Bugfix Module path link opens *.app file instead of NavxManifest.xml in text editor
1649 Bugfix Free text search sometimes fails to show all found results
1678 Bugfix Navigation from Free Text Search links to source view should not loose focus in search result view
1653 Bugfix Find Usages of Control Area fails when analyzing Page Customizations
1641 Bugfix Name resolution wrongly resolves to base table field (via TableNo and SourceTable properties) rather that local declaration of same name
Prism for AL 1.4.1

Released JUL 9, 2021

Id Type Description
1626 Bugfix Some users cannot start Prism for AL 1.4.0 following installation
Prism for AL 1.4.0

Released JUL 7, 2021

Id Type Description
1470 Feature Go to code in source view
1605 Feature Prism for AL Connector: Support for multiple instances of VSCode
1055 Feature Open package file (*.app)
1571 Feature Find usages of page controls
1584 Feature Find usages of page views
1598 Feature Find usages of query data items
1585 Feature Find usages of query columns
1590 Feature Find usages of query filters
1580 Feature Find usages of page actions
1616 Feature Search event publishers (directly in search menu)
1455 Feature Increase visibility when an object is based on a symbol file
1622 Feature New shortcuts to change search scope in free text search window (Ctrl+{1,2,3})
1618 Feature New shortcut for free text search across all objects (Ctrl+Shift+F)
1613 Feature Consistent module icon usage (*,app vs, app.json with Git status coloring)
1611 Feature Option to toggle visibility of unresolved dependencies in module dependency graph
1609 Feature Common source commands in context menus
1603 Feature Option to toggle visibility of propagated dependencies in module dependency graph
1587 Feature Show reason when features are disabled (unlicensed or not applicable)
1573 Feature Start page to show module Id
1570 Feature Outline view improvements
1569 Feature Control panel should show which workspaces are currently open
1554 Feature New command to delete all packages from the package cache
1542 Feature Free text search results should navigate to the selected view (including source view)
1316 Feature Click to collapse module details
1620 Bugfix SubPageLink property field value not resolved correctly when Provider property is set
1621 Bugfix Provider and FreezeColumn property values not found as usage of page control
1601 Bugfix BC18.2 System application symbol: Permissions and Labels unhandled
1596 Bugfix Copy codeblock to clipboard fails
1593 Bugfix Type resolution incomplete for e.g. query columns
1576 Bugfix Page UI: Action separators not displayed
1575 Bugfix Too specific control collection name in object and outline view in some cases
1574 Bugfix Some free text search links into extended objects are wrong
1568 Bugfix Close workspaces button disabled
1563 Bugfix Reopening a minimized workspace window should bring up the workspace window
1560 Bugfix code.cmd can't launch when settings path contains spaces
1558 Bugfix Cancel find usages doesn't close search window
Prism for AL 1.3.0

Released MAY 12, 2021

Id Type Description
1499 Feature Find usages performance optimization
1516 Feature Free text search feature (high-performance successor to the old codeline search)
1506 Feature Goto line in Visual Studio Code
1507 Feature Visual Studio Code extension published to Marketplace: View in Prism for AL
1549 Feature BC18.1: ReportExtension modify dataset triggers
1523 Feature Find usages of report data items
1530 Feature Find usages of report columns
1536 Feature Find usages of trigger named return variables (enable in UI)
1546 Feature Sorted find usages results
1539 Feature Prism startup time optimization (package cache initialization)
1535 Feature Double-click on selected outline item to re-navigate
1510 Bugfix Copy code misses leading annotations and access modifiers
1517 Bugfix Parse error when OptionMembers property contains names that are also reserved words
1504 Bugfix Parse error on some properties
1545 Bugfix Go to source position does not work when position is outside currently visible area
Prism for AL 1.2.0

Released APR 20, 2021

Id Type Description
1371 Feature BC18: Complex return types
1452 Feature BC18: ReportExtension object type
1441 Feature BC18: PermissionSet object type
1442 Feature BC18: PermissionSetExtension object type
1429 Feature BC18: Entitlement object type
1475 Feature BC18: Table extension keys with base table fields (goto declaration for field and setcurrentkey; find usages of fields and keys)
1473 Feature BC18: Parsing of new properties
1444 Feature Outline view parity with object view; structure, styling and settings
1436 Feature Distinct visualization of disabled page controls and actions
1435 Feature Distinct visualization of disabled or obsolete fields and disabled keys
1465 Feature Evaluation of conditional compilation directives (app.json and #define/#undef)
1450 Feature Go to position in Prism from VS Code (Prism side; VS Code extension follows)
1216 Feature Search boxes - include partial word matches ('inter end' finds 'interface to send')
1425 Feature Variables, parameters and properties with object references should have context menu and better tooltip
1456 Feature Go to last link position (Ctrl+Space)
1443 Feature Copy procedure source to include trailing semicolon
1481 Feature Parsing: Ignore unrecognized characters with accent such as 'Â' in .al files (like VS Code does; not displayed)
1496 Bugfix Object reference tooltips wrong - caches last used value
1486 Bugfix Fields in page view Filter property not resolved
1483 Bugfix Parse error when TableRelation has condition field which is also a keyword
1480 Bugfix Parse error when XmlPort property UseLax is used
1451 Bugfix Search depth: click does not always work
1445 Bugfix INSERT repeated three times in Find System Function Usages dialog
1440 Bugfix Parse error when ControlAddIn is used as a variable type
1427 Bugfix Outline group name pluralization wrong in some cases and missing word spaces
1426 Bugfix Documentation help links should not be added to navigation history
1345 Bugfix Back navigation following click on extension arrow does not navigate back to previous location
Prism for AL 1.1.0

Released FEB 25, 2021

Id Type Description
1304 Feature Dependency View (activate from bottom of object area)
1300 Feature Immediate view of where a table is used as Source Table via dependency view
1321 Feature Object view design changes
1337 Feature Semantic code coloring
1302 Feature Partial BC14 support
1192 Feature Flexible index grouping and sorting of modules and objects
1306 Feature Simplified object explorer (Using/Used By moved from Explorer to Dependency view)
1323 Feature Changed context menu cursor to hand and find usages with left mouse click
1372 Feature Outline navigation change: navigate to extended object declaration site rather than extension object declaration site
1369 Feature Explorer navigation change: navigate to extended object declaration site rather than extension object declaration site
1396 Feature Show properties in outline window (default=hidden)
1297 Feature Copy procedure (clipboard and text editor)
982 Feature Name resolution: respect protected keyword for procedures
1399 Feature Show Database Trigger Events in object view
1327 Feature Show field groups
1388 Feature Show field group modifications
1409 Feature Crop label type definition literals &gt;60 chars and enable LeftClick to copy literals to clipboard
1378 Feature Group recent items by age
1377 Feature Refresh system function definitions
1330 Feature In-app request trial license
1309 Feature New view menu items and shortcuts in workspace
1295 Feature Index collapse/expand button now has hand cursor
1294 Feature Symbol parsing - improve property parsing for BC17.4 System Application
1265 Feature Highlight code group headline after navigating to it with code group shortcut
1315 Bugfix Parse error when block comments contains '/*' (unlike C/AL, AL does not have nested block comments)
1314 Bugfix Parse error when table relation or flowfield use fields that are also keywords
1311 Bugfix Parse error when flowfield has filter with multiple logical operators or negative numeric literals
1415 Bugfix Parse error when page part has multiplicity property
1395 Bugfix Name resolution fails for expressions enum::MyEnum::MyValue
1335 Bugfix Unresolved identifiers in some query DataItemLink properties
1292 Bugfix Name resolution: Subscriber has no link to publisher function when publisher is defined as local
1287 Bugfix Overload resolution chooses wrong overload when the call is scoped
1249 Bugfix Name resolution: fixes for resolving names in implicit 'rec'
1400 Bugfix Database trigger events missing from explorer view
1390 Bugfix Base object blank in object extends clause when base object module is unresolved
1387 Bugfix Explorer declaration group order is inconsistent with object and outline views
1348 Bugfix AccessByPermission property: permission was not visible
1346 Bugfix Property/trigger UI mixup in UserControl
1329 Bugfix System Application - asterisk/tooltip misleading
1308 Bugfix Recent item loss
1298 Bugfix Start page / module details / using: module dependency version constraints erroneous
1266 Bugfix Back navigation broken for merged extension declarations
1296 Bugfix Prism icon missing
Prism for AL 1.0.1

Released JAN 9, 2021

Id Type Description
1285 Feature Change Prism package cache location to local application data
1286 Feature Add links to copy package cache optimization script to clipboard (Windows Defender exception)
1288 Feature Forward/backward keyboard shortcuts (ALT+LEFT|RIGHT) and mouse shortcuts
1281 Feature Shortcut properties code group
1274 Feature Start page: show dependency version constraints
1289 Feature Discoverability: show hand cursor when hovering over codeline mark area not yet marked
1282 Bugfix Workspace file "al.packageCachePath" setting ignored
1283 Bugfix Package cache path resolution fails if directory does not exist
1275 Bugfix Module dependency graph incorrect version constraint
1276 Bugfix Glyph fallback mechanism throws NullReferenceException when missing Segoe MDL2 Assets font (pre-Windows 10)
Prism for AL 1.0.0

Released DEC 30, 2020

Id Type Description
1118 Feature Open folder without app.json file (automagic)
1218 Feature Load - use al.packageCachePath setting
1220 Feature Configurable package resolution
1226 Feature Detect and warn user of runtime package
1034 Feature Support for Enum objects
1035 Feature Support for EnumExtension objects
1040 Feature Support for DotNet objects
1039 Feature Support for ControlAddIn objects
1036 Feature Support for PageCustomization objects
1038 Feature Support for Profile objects
1223 Feature Find usages of Enum Values
1245 Feature Find usages of interfaces and codeunits in enum and enumextensions
1230 Feature Start page - package discovery panel
1255 Feature Shortcuts to code groups
1242 Feature Interface UI: List of implementations
1167 Feature Use standard outline icons across Prism
1228 Feature Module relations graph enhancements
1210 Feature Workspace window improvements
1211 Feature Control panel window improvements
1171 Feature Table keys in explorer should list fields
1017 Feature UI page views
1258 Feature Widen workspace window
1247 Feature BC 17.2 - test
1232 Bugfix Parse error when dotnet assembly or type names have dots and are unquoted
1240 Bugfix Parse error when XmlPort has property RecordSeparator
1273 Bugfix Parse error when page has EntityCaption or EntitySetCaption properties
1237 Bugfix Missing Application module not listed as Unresolved
1208 Bugfix Outline group header is malformatted
Prism for AL 0.9.6

Released NOV 19, 2020

Id Type Description
1163 Feature Redesign control panel window
1162 Feature Redesign workspace window
1181 Feature Workspace start page: Solution overview
1196 Feature Workspace file cache (snapshots workspace files, so changes done in VS Code do not influence Prism until reload)
1200 Feature Workspace reload command
1157 Feature Package cache window (accessible from Control Panel)
1119 Feature Display module fields introduced in BC17: PreprocessorSymbols, SuppressWarnings, KeyVaultUrls, ApplicationInsightsKey
1193 Feature Upgrade to .NET 5
1158 Bugfix Support JSON comments in *.code-workspace, app.json and SymbolReference.json files
1147 Bugfix .code-workspace file support: paths with .. (dotdot/parent)
1173 Bugfix Page extension UI fails when add{after|before|first|last} section is empty
1183 Bugfix Find object usages did not find page referenced in page part controls
1190 Bugfix Installation wrongly requires .NET Framework 4.8 (and with error message in Danish)
1178 Bugfix Provider property value always displays 'Provider'
1166 Bugfix Module resolution window cannot resize
1165 Bugfix Parse error when variable of name "Actions" is used in code as Actions (without double quotes)
1175 Bugfix Parse error when dotnet type is declared without an alias
1090 Bugfix Symbol file parsing of Query and XmlPort objects incomplete
1176 Bugfix Symbol file parse error on System Application table "Reten. Pol. Filtering Param"
1185 Bugfix Objects from symbol files - visualization issues
1198 Bugfix Conditional compilation directives get truncated
1161 Bugfix Close all workspaces doesn't close windows
Prism for AL 0.9.5

Released OCT 20, 2020

Id Type Description
1151 Bugfix Load error when report lacks data set, request page, and labels
Prism for AL 0.9.4

Released OCT 19, 2020

Id Type Description
1148 Bugfix Startup error (cache directory does not exist)
Prism for AL 0.9.3

Released OCT 18, 2020

Id Type Description
1023 Feature Module dependencies via app.json property 'application' (support for base application aliasing)
1070 Feature Module dependency proparation via app.json property 'PropagateDependencies'
1120 Feature Package diff resolution: use package 'signature' for uniqueness
1115 Feature Module dependency version behavior: MinVersion vs Version
1142 Feature Workaround for BC17 System Application SymbolReference.json being end-padded by NULs
1139 Feature Report "Save Object Dependencies" - added ControlAddIn dependency from pages
1138 Feature Report "Save Object Dependencies" - added interface dependency from Enum and EnumExtensions
1003 Feature Add extension name to 'Object Dependencies and 'Unreferenced Objects' reports
1136 Feature BC17: DataAccessIntent property
1134 Feature BC17: Conditional compilation (#if, #elif, #endif, #define, #undef) support (preliminary)
1133 Feature BC17: #pragma compiler directive support (preliminary)
1132 Feature BC17: #region compiler directive support (preliminary)
1129 Feature Diagnostic workspace resolution window
1128 Feature Friendly workspace address display
1137 Bugfix Parse error when last line of file is line comment without newline
1107 Bugfix Parse error when pageextension contains views
1106 Bugfix Parse error when table relation uses some specific const values
1095 Bugfix Parse error when XmlPort has property InlineSchema
1093 Bugfix Indexing error during load for certain scope (::) expressions
1131 Bugfix System module dependency missing in module graph visualization
1111 Bugfix Integration event properties (IncludeSender, GlobalVarAccess) show opposite boolean values
1104 Bugfix Find field usages: Table relation condition left-hand side resolved in relation table instead of source table
1103 Bugfix Open in Text Editor failed to open
1100 Bugfix Descriptive watermark text not shown in Prism fields
1096 Bugfix Enum is usage and dependency of a table field of type Enum
1105 Bugfix Installation issue: 'An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (StaticalPrism.deps.json) was not found'
Prism for AL 0.9.2

Released SEP 2, 2020

Id Type Description
1033 Feature Support for XMLPort objects
1032 Feature Support for Query objects
1015 Feature UI: Reports to show RequestPage when present
1059 Feature .NET Core Migration
1080 Feature Improved error message when workspace contains two modules with the same id
1068 Feature Logging of parse errors: only log fragment of code, not full object
1066 Feature Disable command line argument support.
1065 Feature Verbose log level user switch
1085 Bugfix Parse error on properties APIVersion, CharAllowed, SignDisplacement, SqlTimestamp and SqlDataType
1092 Bugfix Parse error when flowfield has empty CONST expression: CONST()
1091 Bugfix Parse error when ApplicationArea is empty
1074 Bugfix Parse error when in enum expressions when value is a keyword, e.g. MyEnum::Actions
1072 Bugfix Parse Exception 'syntax error'. Last token was 'T_SEMICOLON' - happens when source has an 'empty property', i.e. extra ';' between properties
1078 Bugfix Report top level properties and triggers not displayed
1086 Bugfix "Save Object Dependencies" report missed entries and did not print object id
1084 Bugfix Table dependency in AccessByPermission property not found
1083 Bugfix Installer language changed to English (was mixed Danish and English)
1079 Bugfix Navigation to report data item fails
Prism for AL 0.9.1

Released JUL 10, 2020

Id Type Description
987 Feature Use symbol file when package manifest has ShowMyCode=false setting
1041 Feature Procedure overloading (resolution and find usages)
1037 Feature Full support for Interface objects
1057 Feature Allow higher memory usage (enabled 64-bit processes)
1058 Feature Object outline: added 'using' and 'used by' sections
1042 Feature Explore table relations enabled (was disabled in previous preview)
979 Feature System function resolution completed including links to Microsoft's documentation